Setting up Notes with a scriptable setup
The scriptable setup option uses a setting in the NOTES.INI file to provide information to the client setup wizard. During installation, the wizard displays only those panels that users need. The NOTES.INI setting ConfigFile= points to a text file that contains the required parameters. The wizard reads this text file and completes the setup. The user is able to bypass the wizard screens for which parameters have been provided.

Note Support for direct dialup modem (X.PC) connections is available only in releases of Domino® earlier than release 8.5. You may continue to use Domino Administrator 8.5 to configure and maintain direct dialup modem support, but only on servers running pre-8.5 releases.

The settings and parameters that you can use in the text file are listed below:
UsernameUser's hierarchical name -- for example, John Smith/Acme
KeyfileNameDirectory path to the user's ID file name --for example, c:\program files\lotus\notes\data\
Domino.NameDomino server in the same domain as the user name. You do not need to enter a hierarchical name.
Domino.AddressAn address for the IBM® Lotus® Domino® server, such as the IP address of the server, if needed, to connect to the server. For example, or
Domino.PortPort type, such as TCPIP
Domino.Server1 to connect to the Domino server, 0 for no connection
AdditionalServices1 forces display of the "Additional Services" panel even if sufficient information is provided for these services; the Additional Services panel lists Internet, proxy, and replication settings.
AdditionalServices.NetworkDialTo configure a network dialup connection to Internet accounts created via Additional Services dialog box
Mail.Incoming.NameIncoming mail account name, a friendly name used to refer to these settings
Mail.Incoming.ServerIncoming mail (POP or IMAP) server name
Mail.Incoming.Protocol1 for POP; 2 for IMAP
Mail.Incoming.UsernameMail account user name or login name
Mail.Incoming.PasswordMail account password
Mail.Incoming.SSL0 to disable; 1 to enable the SSL protocol for incoming Internet mail
Mail.Outgoing.NameOutgoing mail account name, a friendly name used to refer to these settings
Mail.Outgoing.ServerOutgoing mail (SMTP) server name
Mail.Outgoing.AddressUser's Internet mail address, such as
Mail.InternetDomainInternet Mail domain name such as
Directory.NameDirectory account name, a friendly name used to refer to these settings
Directory.ServerDirectory (LDAP) server name
News.NameNews account name, a friendly name used to refer to these settings
News.ServerNews (NNTP) server name
NetworkDial.EntryNameName of remote network dialup phone book entry
NetworkDial.PhonenumberDial-in number
NetworkDial.UsernameRemote network user name
NetworkDial.PasswordRemote network password
NetworkDial.DomainRemote network domain
DirectDial.PhonenumberPhone number of Domino server
DirectDial.PrefixDialup prefix, if required. For example, 9 to access an outside line.
DirectDial.PortCOM port to which the modem is connected
DirectDial.ModemFile specification of modem file
Proxy.HTTPHTTP proxy server and port -- for example,
Proxy.FTPFTP proxy server and port -- for example,
Proxy.GopherGopher proxy server and port -- for example,
Proxy.SSLSSL proxy server and port -- for example,
Proxy.HTTPTunnelHTTP tunnel proxy server and port -- for example,
Proxy.SOCKSSocks proxy server and port -- for example,
Proxy.NoneNo proxy for these hosts or domains
Proxy.UseHTTPUse the HTTP proxy server for FTP, Gopher, and SSL security proxies
Proxy.UsernameUser name if logon is required
Proxy.PasswordUser password
Replication.ThresholdTransfer outgoing mail if this number of messages held in local mailbox
Replication.ScheduleEnable replication schedule
IM.ServerIBM Lotus Instant Messaging server name required unless you have set the NOTES.INI variable IM_NO_SETUP= 1. To use this NOTES.INI variable, you must also use InstallShield™ Tuner which is included on the Notes and Domino CD.

When this variable is set to 1, the IM Configuration dialog box does not display during new client setup or client upgrade, and all IM variables in a scriptable client setup are ignored. If the user wants to configure IM, they can leave the NOTES.INI variable out of their NOTES.INI file or set it to 0 (IM_NO_SETUP=0).

IM.PortIBM Lotus Instant Messaging server port (any positive number)
IM.ConnectWhen(Optional setting) Defines when to connect to Instant Messaging:
  • 0 -- At Notes login (default)
  • 2 -- Manually
IM.ProtocolUse one of these:
  • 0 -- Directly to Lotus Instant Messaging server
  • 1 -- Directly to Lotus Instant Messaging server using HTTP protocol
  • 2 -- Directly to Lotus Instant Messaging server using IE HTTP settings
  • 3 -- Use a proxy
IM.ProxyTypeRequired if IM.Protocol is set to 3. Use one of these:
  • 0 -- SOCKS4 Proxy
  • 1 -- SOCKS5 Proxy
  • 2 -- HTTPS Proxy
  • 3 -- HTTP Proxy
IM.ProxyServerRequired if IM.Protocol is set to 3. Name of Lotus Instant Messaging proxy server
IM.ProxyPortRequired if IM.Protocol is set to 3. Port of Lotus Instant Messaging proxy server (any positive number)
IM.ServerNameResolveOnly used if IM.ProxyType is 1 (SOCKS5) but it is not required. Use one of these values:
  • 0 -- Disable IM.ServerNameResolve
  • 1 -- Enable IM.ServerNameResolve
IM.ProxyUsernameRequired if IM.Protocol is set to 3 and IM.ProxyType is not SOCKS4

Sample scriptable setup file

This is a sample scriptable setup file for a LAN connection. All options are used in this sample file. Username = Joe Employee

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