Using the Smart Upgrade Run-As wizard
Run the Smart Upgrade Run-As wizard (SUSETRUNASWIZARD.EXE) to create an executable file (SURUNAS.EXE) that Notes client users can then run to upgrade their IBM® Lotus® Notes® clients.

Note Additional and related information is available at the Lotus Support Site in "Using the Smart Upgrade Run As feature to upgrade Notes clients" and in the Lotus Notes and Domino wiki.

Lotus Notes users can use the Smart Upgrade Run-As (SURunas) feature to upgrade to a newer Notes client release. Smart Upgrade Run-As is designed for Notes client users who do not have administrator privileges but who still need to periodically update their Notes client software. Notes client users with administrator privileges on their local computer can still use Smart Upgrade.

Run SUSETRUNASWIZARD.EXE to create an executable file, SURUNAS.EXE, that Notes client users can run to upgrade their Notes clients. This new executable file runs within the standard Smart Upgrade program on the local workstation, as a user with administrator privileges. You specify the administrator user name and password while completing the Smart Upgrade Run-As wizard. While the wizard is running, you specify the file, usually a SETUP.EXE or similar file, that is to be run when the user runs SURUNAS.EXE. The SETUP.EXE file that you specify is either stored in SURUNAS.EXE or you can specify a Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path to a shared network drive from which that setup file can be accessed. In addition to specifying the setup file to be used, you also specify any other files to be included in the install kit. The Smart Upgrade Run-As wizard creates the install kit that the Notes client end users run to upgrade their Notes clients.

Note If you have multiple domains, and if you do not have a user name and password that can be used across multiple domains, run the Smart Upgrade Run-As wizard for each individual domain.

For related upgrade information, see the Lotus Notes Support site, especially Tech Note titles containing the phrase "Upgrade Central: Planning your upgrade to Lotus Notes" and the Lotus Notes and Domino wiki.

Running the Smart Upgrade Run-As wizard

While running the wizard, you have the option to store the new executable in a self-contained package in the SURUNAS.EXE file or as a file reference to a network share. Instructions for both procedures are included here.

Running SUSETRUNASWIZARD.EXE and storing the executable in a self-contained package in the SURunAs executable file


2. Choose to save the new executable in a self-contained package in the SURunAs executable file, and then click Next.

3. Choose the files to be stored in the SURUNAS.EXE file. If the files you need are not listed, click Add Files, and then browse to and select the files and then click Next.

4. Specify any command line options and then click Next.

5. Specify the path where SURUNAS.EXE is to be stored, and then click Next.

6. Review wizard summary information. You can save the settings you entered, by clicking "Save all settings on exit", and then click Next.

7. Click Finish and then click Done.

Once the SURUNAS file is created, you can push it to users with SmartUpgrade. The wizard embeds a command line into the SURUNAS.EXE so there are no additional command line options to be documented. See the "Using Notes Smart Upgrade" section of Domino Administrator help for next steps.

Running SUSETRUNASWIZARD.EXE and storing the executable as a file reference on a network share


9. Choose to save the new executable as a file reference on a network share, and then click Next.

10. Enter the Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path to the executable file that SURUNAS.EXE will launch, and then click Next.

11. Specify any command line options that you are using, and then click Next.

12. Specify the path where SURUNAS.EXE is to be stored, and then click Next.

13. Review the summary information that displays. Optionally, you can save the settings you entered, by clicking "Save all settings on exit." Click Next.

14. Click Finish, and then click Done.

Optional command line argumentsDescription and useAttached kit exampleShared network drive exampleUse with Smart Upgrade Run-As
/wUse with Smart Upgrade Run-As. Allows SURUNAS.EXE to wait because the Notes client should not be restarted until all processing is complete.

Note You should always use the /w parameter when using Smart Upgrade Run-As.

-a /s /w / v"ALLUSERS=1 /qb+"/s /w /v"ALLUSERS=1 /qb+"Yes
-aPasses all arguments to the file that is being launched.-a /v"/qb+"Does not applyNo
/aAdministrative installation.-a /a/aNo

Note Always place a blank space immediately after the /s.

For attached kit, does not display the dialog box that prompts the user to input the location to which the files are to be installed. By default, the files are placed in the user's <TempDir>\LotusNotesInstall

For shared network drive, does not display the Install Shield initialization box.

-a /s/sYes
/vPasses arguments to MSIexec. All arguments entered to the right of the argument /v apply to MSIexec.-a /v"xxxx"

Where xxxx = any optional argument.


Where xxxx = any optional argument.

/qSets the interface level. For example, /qn indicates no user interface displays during the upgrade.-a /v"qn"/v"/qn"Yes
/qb+Displays the basic user interface and a message box at the end of the upgrade.-a /v"qb+"/v"qb+"Yes
/pxWeb Kit installations. Sets a path to the default program directory and the default data directory. Hides the Location to Save Files dialog box and the Remove Installation Files dialog box. Displays a message box at the end of the upgrade.Web Kit installation

-px -a /s /v"/qb+"

-dSpecifies that files are extracted to a temporary directory, from which they are deleted when the update is complete.

The argument -d must be the first argument in the series of arguments.

-d -a /s /v"/qn"Does not apply.Yes
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