ChangeTo command
Use in a Server.Load script to set the current database for the test. Provide the full file name of the database (use server!!file if a remote database), or specify the keyword MAIL to open the mail database.

The following statements operate on the specified database. If the database doesn't exist, a new database is created using template [database template name]. If the keepopen option is specified (which is the string "-keepopen"), the database is not closed and reopened if it is already open.


ChangeTo [database name] [database template name] [-keepopen]


Example 1

Using changeto to create a local database.

* Create local file using the journal template (journal.ntf)

* NOTES.INI contains setting templateversion=4

changeto journal.nsf journal[templateversion].ntf -KeepOpen

pause 5000

* Populate the view with 10 notes

populate 10

pause 5000

* Open the view collection


* Update the view index


pause 5000

* Close the view collection


Example 2

Using changeto to create multiple databases on a server. In this example the thread number is substituted in for the [#] symbol.

* Create one or more databases on Mailserver using (journal.ntf)

* NOTES.INI contains setting templateversion=4

* Creation of multiple databases, based on the number of threads

* All test databases will be placed in the journal directory

changeto [MailServer]!!journals\journal[#].nsf journal[templateversion].ntf -KeepOpen

pause 5000

* Populate the view with 10 documents

populate 10

pause 5000


* Update the view index


pause 5000

* Close the view collection


Example 3

Create and initialize mail file(s)

Note Uses Script Variable [NumMailNotesPerUser]

* Script to create and initialize mail file(s)

changeto [MailServer]!!mail\mail[#].nsf mail60.ntf

* Make sure there are enough notes in mail database

populate [NumMailNotesPerUser] $Inbox

* Open the current view


* Close the view



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