Excluding a server from the Server Health Monitor report documents
The Server Health Monitor creates health reports for each server you are actively monitoring and stores them in the Health Monitoring database (DOMMON.NSF). You can exclude a server from a monitoring profile, so that the server is removed from the current monitoring view in the IBM® Lotus® Domino® server monitor. However, the Server Health Monitor continues to include that server in the health reports until you remove the server permanently from DOMMON.NSF. You permanently exclude a server from being included in health reports by removing its current report documents and its configuration server component document. After you exclude a server permanently, the Server Health Monitor no longer generates reports.

To exclude a server from a monitoring profile

Use this procedure when you do not want to see the continued output of the server health rating for the server, but you want to continue listing the health report for the server in the Health Monitoring database.

1. From the Domino Administrator, click the Server - Monitoring tab.

2. Select the server you want to remove and right-click. From the menu, choose "Remove Server."

3. Click the Stop button.

The next time you press the Start button, the server will no longer be monitored. However, it will continue to be listed in the current health report view.

To exclude a server from generating Health Reports

Use this procedure when you do not want to monitor the server and do not want to continue receiving health reports on it in the Health Monitoring database.

1. Perform the steps listed above to exclude temporarily the server from the server monitor view.

2. From the Domino Administrator, click the Files tab.

3. Open the Health Monitoring database (dommon.nsf), and open the Configuration - Server Components view.

4. Delete the Health Monitoring Server Configuration document for the server being excluded.

5. Open the Health Reports - Current Reports view and delete the current health report and all the response documents for the server.

6. (Optional) Open the Health Reports - Historical Reports view and delete the historical health reports and the associated response documents for the server.

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