Upgrading mail files with the mail conversion utility
When you upgrade users' mail files to the Notes 8.5 mail template or to the Lotus iNotes (8.5) template, you can upgrade one file at a time or use the mail conversion utility to automate upgrading the design. Be sure that you have already upgraded the Domino server that hosts the mail files and the Notes clients that access those files, or users will not be able to use the features in the new design. Upgrade mail files at a time when users won't be accessing them -- for example, early mornings or over a weekend. Notify users that their mail files will be unavailable during the upgrade.

You can also use the mail conversion utility to convert a mail design from one language to another language and to migrate from Microsoft Exchange.

To use the mail conversion utility

Note Before using the mail conversion utility, make sure that all clients are upgraded to Lotus Notes 8.5.

1. If users have customized their mail files, instruct them to back up these customizations. For example, users can make a copy of their mail file that includes only the database design. This allows users to apply changes they made to their Notes 7 or Notes 8 mail file to the new Notes 8.5 mail template, if necessary.

2. Start the Domino server on which you want to customize mail files.

3. Shut down the router. Enter:

4. Load the mail conversion utility. Type 5. When you have finished upgrading mail files to the Notes 8.5 template on this server, load the router. Enter:
6. Notify users that you upgraded their mail files to the Notes 8.5 design.

Mail conversion utility tasks

You can use the mail conversion utility to upgrade one or more mail databases. The following table describes the tasks that the mail conversion utility can perform.
Upgrading a single mail databaseThis example finds the mail database USER.NSF in the \MAIL subdirectory of the Notes data directory. The mail conversion utility replaces the current mail template -- regardless of which template the mail file uses -- with MAIL85.NTF, the Notes 8.5 mail template.

load convert mail\user.nsf * mail85.ntf

Upgrading all mail databases in a directoryThis example finds all databases located in the \MAIL subdirectory of the Notes data directory that use StdR6Mail, the Notes 6 mail template, and replaces their design template with MAIL85.NTF, the Notes 8.5 mail template.

load convert mail\*.nsf StdR6Mail mail85.ntf

Upgrading all mail databases in a directory and in its subdirectoriesThis example finds all databases located in the \MAIL subdirectory of the Notes data directory and all subdirectories of the \MAIL directory (for example, C:\NOTES\DATA\MAIL\GROUP1, C:\NOTES\DATA\MAIL\GROUP2, and C:\NOTES\DATA\MAIL\GROUP3) and upgrades them to the Notes 8.5 mail template, MAIL85.NTF.

load convert -r mail\*.nsf * mail85.ntf

Upgrading all mail databases listed in a text fileYou can create a text file listing databases you want to upgrade and use it with the mail conversion utility to upgrade only those databases. For example, you can create the text file MAILLIST.TXT to list all the mail databases you want to upgrade and save it in the directory C:\TEMP. This example finds all databases listed in MAILLIST.TXT, determines whether the databases use a design template name that matches Mail*, (mail8.ntf for example), and replaces the designs of the matching databases with MAIL85.NTF), the Notes 8.5 mail template.

load convert -f c:\temp\maillist.txt mail*.ntf mail85.ntf

Creating a text file that lists all mail databases in a directoryYou can use the mail conversion utility to create a text file that lists all primary mail databases on the server (it does not list replica mail databases). This example creates a text file, MAILLIST.TXT, in the C:\TEMP directory. MAILLIST.TXT contains a list of primary mail databases on the server but excludes replica mail databases. After you create the text file using this option, you can use the file to upgrade the mail databases listed in it. See "Upgrading all mail databases listed in a text file" in this table.

load convert -l c:\temp\maillist.txt

Converting mail files for use with IMAP in Notes 5If you use a Notes 5 mail file with IMAP, run the mail conversion utility to enable IMAP-specific features in the mail file. This example readies the mail database USER.NSF in the \MAIL subdirectory of the Notes data directory for use with IMAP.

load convert -m mail\user.nsf

Converting mail files for use with IMAP in Notes 8If you use a Notes 8 mail file with IMAP, run the mail conversion utility to enable IMAP-specific features in the mail file. This example readies the mail database USER.NSF in the \MAIL subdirectory of the Notes data directory for use with IMAP.

load convert -e mail\user.nsf

Upgrading custom folder designYou can use the mail conversion utility to upgrade custom folder design to the Inbox design. This example upgrades the custom folder design of all mail databases in the \Mail subdirectory of the Notes data directory to the Inbox design.

load convert -u mail\*

Upgrading folder design of folders without the Preserve bitThe -s argument ignores any folder or view with the Preserve bit deselected. This bit corresponds to the "Do not allow refresh/replace to modify" option in the design properties. System folders and other design elements from the original template used to create the mail file do not have this bit set, even if the database is set to inherit from design. System folders, such as the Inbox, are not updated if you run the mail conversion utility with the -s argument. This affects mail files being upgraded to Lotus Notes 6 because required script libraries have been removed and action buttons have been upgraded.

load convert -s mail\*

Changing the English mail design to a German mail designload convert -g"German" TestMail.nsf * mail85_en_de.ntf
Upgrade all previous users' mail designs listed in the file maillist.txt to Notes 8.5 mail designload convert -u -f maillisttxt * mail85.ntf
Performs address fixup for all Microsoft Exchange migrated mail databases in <dir path> and its subdirectoriesload convert -w <db path>
Performs address fixup on the given Exchange migrated mail database.load convert -w <mail db path>
Generates a text list containing all Exchange migrated mail databases from the primary mail directory, excluding replicas. This feature is of lesser-importance than address fixup but it is necessary in the event that the subsequent option is required.load convert -w -l <text list path>
Performs address fix-up on all Exchange-migrated mail databases listed in the given text list file. Provides flexibility in allowing the administrator to manage the databases that need address fix-up.load convert -w -f <text list file>
Note When you use a wildcard character, such as an asterisk (*), to specify which files to upgrade to the Notes 8.5 mail template, be sure that all databases in the directory (and, if specified, subdirectories) are mail files. When you use a wildcard character, Lotus Domino replaces the design of all databases specified by the wildcard character with the specified template, such as the Notes 8.5 mail template. If you replace the design of a non-mail database with the Notes 8.5 mail template by mistake, you can use the mail conversion utility to restore the original design and then specify the correct template.