Setting up a secondary name server
To ensure that the Notes Name Service is always available to IBM® Lotus® Notes® workstations, assign a secondary name server in users' Location documents. You can specify a different secondary name server for each LAN location defined. The secondary name server is used when:
Note You can use setup or desktop policy settings to assign secondary name servers to groups of users.

For more information, see the Creating policies" topic.

To set up a secondary name server

1. On the Notes workstation, choose File - Mobile - Locations, and open the location for which you want to designate a secondary name server.

2. Click "Edit Location."

3. Click the Advanced - Secondary Servers tab. (The Advanced tab appears only if you have a location defined as "Local Area Network" or "Both Dialup and Local Area Network.")

4. In the "Secondary TCP/IP Notes server name" field, enter one of the following:

5. In the "Secondary TCP/IP host name or address" field, enter one of the following: 6. Click "Save and Close."

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