Specifying Notes settings
Use the Notes Settings tab on the Lotus ADSync Options dialog box to enable or disable IBM® Lotus® Notes® and Microsoft® Windows® registration features in the Microsoft Management Console (MMC).

1. From the MMC, choose Domino Directory Synchronization.

2. Click Notes Settings.

3. Complete these fields:
Administrator's IDClick to open the Choose Notes Administrator ID dialog box in which you can specify another Notes User ID as the administrator ID. The initial user ID file name is taken from current Notes client settings.
Registration ServerClick to open the Choose Server dialog box from which you can select a Registration server. The registration server must be an IBM® Lotus® Domino® 6 or more recent server.
Use Registration server for all operationsClick to use the server that you designated as the Registration server for all synchronization operations and for deletions.

When you deselect this option, these fields are enabled:

  • Notes server for synchronization
  • Notes server for deletion
Synchronization serverClick to open the Choose Server dialog box from which you can select a Synchronization server. All synchronization operations are done on this server.

This check box is enabled only if the "Use Registration server for all operations" check box is not selected.

Deletion serverClick to open the Choose Server dialog box from which you can select a deletion server. All deletions are performed on this server.

This check box is enabled only if the "Use Registration server for all operations" check box is not selected.

Delete entries from Domino Directory immediatelyClick to immediately remove the selected entries from the Domino Directory instead of using the Administration Process to perform the deletion.
Mail file deletionTo specify options for mail file deletion when the user is deleted. Choose one:
  • Don't delete mail file -- To delete the Person document but leave the user's mail files intact.
  • Delete just the mail file specified in the Person record -- To delete only the mail file specified in the Person document. No replicas of the mail file are deleted.
  • Delete mail file specified in the Person document and all replicas -- Deletes all mail database replicas on other servers in addition to the mail file specified in the user's Person document.
Default certifierClick to specify a certifier that will be used during user registration. ADSync uses this certifier if mapping was not set for a particular Active Directory container on the Container Mappings tab.
Use Certificate Authority for user certificationClick this check box to use the Domino server-based certification authority (CA) when registering new users.
Default explicit policyClick to specify the explicit policy (and its related settings) to be applied to users during user registration.
4. Click Advanced Options and then complete these fields as desired:
Registration OptionsChoose one or both:
  • Search all directories for duplicate names -- Domino checks all directories to ensure that the user name is unique. An error is generated if the name if found to be a duplicate.
  • Enforce short name uniqueness -- Forces all short names to be unique.
Action on duplicate mail fileChoose one:
  • Skip the person registration -- Registration for this user is skipped; other user registrations are performed.
  • Generate a unique mail file name -- If a duplicate mail file is found, a new unique mail file is created by appending a number beginning with 1, then 2, etc., to the non-unique mail file name until a unique name is found.
  • Replace the existing mail file -- This option does not apply when the mail file is being created in the background via the Administration Process, or if the current ID does not have delete access to the mail file that is being replaced.
Action on duplicate roaming folderChoose one:
  • Skip the person registration -- Does not register the user with the duplicate roaming folder name. Proceeds to the next user registration.
  • Generate a unique roaming directory name -- Generates a unique roaming directory name by appending a number beginning with 1, then 2, etc., to a non-unique roaming file name until a unique name is found.
5. Click Apply and OK.

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