1. Make sure the source and destination servers are running the Administration Process.
2. Make sure that you have Create Database access in the Server document of the destination server and at least Manager with "Delete documents" access in the ACL of the databases on the source server.
3. Make sure that the source server (or another server that replicates with the source server and has a replica of the database) has Create Replica access in the ACL of the destination server.
4. Make sure the destination server has at least Reader access in the ACL of the replica on the source server.
6. Click the Files tab.
7. In the files pane, select one or more databases to move.
8. In the Tools pane on the right, select Database - Move. Or drag the selected database(s) to the Move tool.
9. (Optional) If the current domain includes a cluster, click "Show only cluster members" to display only destination servers that are members of the cluster.
10. Select one or more destination servers. To select a server that doesn't appear in the list, click Other, specify the hierarchical server name, then click OK.
11. (Optional) Select a destination server, click "File Names" to choose a custom file path on the destination server for any database you're moving and then click OK. You can repeat this procedure for each destination server. If you don't choose this option, the database is stored on the destination server in the same location as on the source server.
14. Click OK. A dialog box shows the number of databases processed and indicates if any errors occurred. See the status bar for more information.
15. If the source server is not a cluster server, you must approve the deletion of each original source database after the Administration Process completes the "Non Cluster Move Replica" request, which creates a replica at the new location. To do this:
Moving databases by dragging them to a destination server
Rather than choosing Database - Move, you can drag databases to a destination server. When you use this method, you must store all databases in one preexisting folder on the destination server. This method also uses the Administration Process to automate moving the database. You can't use this method to move a database to another Domino domain.
1. From the IBM® Lotus® Domino® Administrator, click the Files tab.
2. In the files pane, select one or more databases to move.
3. Press Ctrl and drag the selected databases to a destination server in the server pane on the left.
4. In the dialog box that appears, select "Move database," select a folder on the destination server in which to store the database(s), then click OK.
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