Distinguished Name syntax in multiple-directory environments
For a multiple directory environment that include entries that reside in both IBM® Lotus® Domino® and LDAP directories, it's important to understand in what contexts to use an IBM® Lotus® Notes® DN and in what contexts to use an LDAP DN (defined in RFC 2253). Generally, you use a Notes DN in a Domino database field (e.g. Fullname field or any other names field) or ACL, and use an LDAP DN in an LDAP directory attribute.

Additionally, name conversions between Notes and LDAP DN syntaxes may be necessary in multiple directory environments. For instance, when entering the DN of an entry that resides in an LDAP directory in the ACL of a Domino database (or an additional value of Fullname), you need to convert it to its Notes DN equivalent. Or, when using the Notes DN mapping feature in Directory Assistance, you should convert the Notes DN to its LDAP equivalent and use that value in the specified attribute of the LDAP directory.

Note Do not add an LDAP DN as the second value in a Domino Fullname field, as this value is the Notes "Common name" value.

The table below is a helpful reference for how to do these conversions.
Real Character in name componentLDAP DN representationNotes DN Representation
, <comma>\, <backslash + comma>, <comma>
+ <plus>\+ <backslash + plus>+ <plus>
\ <backslash>\\ <backslash + backslash>\ <backslash>
> <greaterthan>\> <backslash + backslash>> <greaterthan>
< <lessthan>\< <backslash + lessthan>< <lessthan>
; <semicolon>\; <backslash + semicolon>; <semicolon>
" <doublequote>\" <backslash + doublequote>"""
= <equals>\= <backslash + equals>=
# <numbersign>\# <backslah + numbersign>#
@ <atsign>@ <atsign>"@"
/ <slash>/ <slash>"/"

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