Specify a search filter to use to look up the members of groups for Notes database authorization. Leave the field blank to use the following default search filter:
In this case, a membership lookup on "cn=June Day,ou=Westford,o=Acme" would result in the following filter on the search request:
cn=June Day,ou=Sales,o=Acme))(&(objectclass=groupOfNames)
(Member=cn=June Day,ou=Sales,o=Acme)))
If the LDAP server that is enabled for ACL group expansion stores the groups with an objectClass of aclGroup, then you may want to specify the following custom filter:
In this case a membership lookup on "cn=June Day,ou=Sales,o=Acme" would use the following filter on the LDAP search request:
(&(objectclass=aclGroup)(Member=cn=June Day,ou=Sales,o=Acme)) |