Using federated data with query views

1. Set the environment variable, DB2_ALLOW_SETAUTH_WITH_REMOTECONNECT=, in order for query views to work. Use the following path and command:

2. Restart DB2 to allow the environment variable to take effect.

3. Ensure that your DOMINO database has federated support enabled.

4. Create a federation wrapper in DB2 for the remote server.

For information about wrappers and about enabling federated data support in DB2, see the DB2 Information Center.

5. Add a user mapping to this federation wrapper mapping the DOMINO server user to the remote connection user name and password. From the DB2 Control Center, choose Server Definitions - DAVS - User Mapping.

6. From the DB2 Control Center, create a nickname mapping a local object to the foreign object.

7. Grant privileges to the NICKNAME object as required for those mapped DB2 users to whom you want to give access to the federated table. Complete these steps from the command prompt or from the command center:

You can now use a query view with federated data.

ALL users granted access to the federated table have equal access to it, based on the mapped credential in the federation definition.

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