Sametime 7.5 Instant Messaging workload
The Sametime 7.5 IM Workload models an active Sametime user who logs in, queries policy information, queries user info, watches the locations of buddies, chats using rich text, changes status, acts on the buddy list, and logs out. The script contains an average of 15 minutes of think time so that an average user runs the distinct commands no more than four times per hour. When users first log in, they check their policy on the server, and then set their location. Next, they watch their buddy list for location changes. For each iteration of the script, the user loops through various actions. Once every three hours, the user simulates hovering the mouse over a random user which triggers a query for that user's business card based on user information. Each iteration, the user picks a random partner from the pre-populated buddy list and initiates a chat. A chat consists of sending five rich text messages consisting of HTML or an image and receiving a reply for each from the partner. Once an hour, the user sets their status to a random value and pauses, and then sets their status back to Active. Once in a six-hour period, the user adds a new buddy to their buddy list. Next, every three hours the user logs off, waits a while to simulate being busy elsewhere, and then logs back in. Once in 24 iterations, users attempt to transfer a file.

The current limitation for the workload is the total population divided into groups of "N" users and the NOTES.INI settings ST.BL.beginuser.number and ST.BL.enduser.number variables will vary accordingly on each client driver (1-1000,1001-2000, and so forth). The two NOTES.INI settings are used to maintain the internal list of available users by the ST75 workload.

Test Initialization

Run the Sametime 7.0 Initialization workload.


The measurements obtained by this test are:

ST7.5 IM Workload Functionality
Note Testing has shown file transfer to be a resource-heavy operation; IBM recommends setting NB_DISABLEFILETRANS=1. If file transfer is required, set NB_DISABLEFILETRANS=0.

ST75IM workload think times (minutes)

For 24 Iterations: ContextIterations 1, 2, 3, 4 being 3, 24, 12, 12 respectively:

ST75IM workload transaction rates

For 24 Iterations (a six-hour period):

Transaction rates during a six-hour period per user:
Running the ST75IM workload from the Server.Load utility

1. Start Server.Load.

2. In the field Select Script, choose Sametime 7.5 IM Workload, and then click Execute.

3. Click Start Test.

4. Proceed to one of the Sametime workloads according to which one you want to run.

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