Syntax: Platform <main argument> [<optional arguments>]

Description: Controls the platform statistic feature at the console. Platform statistics that are affected by the reset command are:

Time <sampling period>Used with an optional argument, changes the sampling period to the specified value in minutes. If not used, displays the current sampling rate. Default is 1 minute.
ResetResets the value of primary statistics to zero, and gathers new set of metrics.
Reset Interval EnableResets all values each time a new sampling period begins. Uses the sampling period defined using the Time argument.
Reset Interval DisableDisables the Reset Interval Enable command.
PausePauses the collection and update of performance data.
ResumeResumes the collection and update of performance data.


Use Platform Time <n> to start a new performance data monitoring session with a sampling period of n minutes. This means that the statistic value can change every n minutes. For example:

platform time 5

Use the Platform Reset command so that prior existing values are not used in calculating minimum, average, or maximum values. You may want to use this command when platform statistics have been accumulating overnight and you want to clear out the accumulation. For example:

platform reset

Use the Platform Reset Interval Enable command to reset all values each time you begin a new sampling period. For example:

Platform Reset Interval Enable

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