Mail activity logging
Mail activity logging tracks mail that is sent from and received by a server. Activity logging records for mail include such information as the name of the server that created the record, the originator and recipients of the message, the message ID, the preceding and next hops on the delivery route, and the size of the message.

There are five types of activity logging records for mail activity:
Type of recordDescription
DepositMail is deposited into MAIL.BOX on a server. This mail can come from an IBM® Lotus® Domino® server or a Domino SMTP server. The receiving server logs this activity as a Deposit. The sending server logs this activity as a Transfer.
DeliveryMail is delivered from MAIL.BOX to a user.
Delivery failureThe router could not deliver a message.
TransferMail is transferred from one server to another on the way to its final destination. The sending server logs this as a Transfer. The receiving server logs this as a Deposit.
Transfer failureThe router cannot transfer a message to another server. This is logged on the sending server.
For each mail message, at least two types of records are logged -- a Deposit record and at least one of the other types of records, depending on the disposition of the attempted delivery.

Domino logs updates to messages in MAIL.BOX as new deposits. For example, if you change the address on a message in MAIL.BOX so that it routes correctly, that message is logged as a new deposit.

If a message is split because the recipient list is too large, a separate record is generated for each copy of the message. Each of these records contains the same MessageID and Originator.

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