DIIOP Tell commands
This table describes additional Tell commands you can use with IBM® Lotus® Domino® IIOP.
Tell DIIOP Dump ConfigProvide a list of the configuration data that DIIOP is using from the Domino Directory. Using dump the configuration is written to the file diiopcfg.txt in the server's data directory.
Tell DIIOP Show ConfigProvide a list of the configuration data that DIIOP is using from the Domino Directory. Using show the configuration is displayed on the server console.
Tell DIIOP Log=nThis command determines the amount of information the DIIOP will log about its operation. Valid values for n are as follows:

0 Show Errors & Warnings only

1 Also show informational messages

2 Also show session init/term messages

3 Also show session statistics

4 Also show transaction messages

The setting of this command is saved in the NOTES.INI variable DIIOPLogLevel. Any change that is made to the DIIOP log level will be used the next time the server is restarted.

Tell DIIOP RefreshUse this command to reload the configuration data that DIIOP is using from the Domino Directory and from notes.ini. By default DIIOP incorporates changes from the Domino Directory every 3 minutes or as often as specified in the NOTES.INI parameter:


The Refresh command will force DIIOP to look for changes in the configuration and apply them immediately.

Tell DIIOP Show Users


Tell DIIOP Show Users D

Show all the current active users known to the DIIOP task. This list is similar to the server console command "show tasks" but it includes more information. Appending "D" to this tell command the list of current users will also include the databases the user has open and along with a count of objects that are in use.


tell diiop show users d

UserName ClientHost IdleTime ConnectTime SessionId

Anonymous 0:00 0:00 SN00048DE22


Objects in use: Databases: 1 Views: 0 Documents:0 Items: 0 Others: 0

Users: 1, Network Connections: 1