Using Basic user registration with the Web Administrator
Perform Basic user registration from the IBM® Lotus® Domino® Web Administrator to assign users' basic settings, such as a name and password, and to add users to existing groups from a Web browser instead of from the IBM® Lotus® Domino® Administrator.

When using the Web Administrator client, you need to have set up a server-based certification authority (CA) to register IBM® Lotus® Notes® users. The Web administrator, as well as the server on which the Web Administrator database resides, must be listed as a registration authority (RA) for that certifier. You must assign the RA role in the Domino Administrator client, not in the Web Administrator. To assign the RA role, use the Modify Certifier tool on the Configuration panel.

Note The Registration Preferences (from File - Preferences - Administration Preferences) that can be set in user registration with the Domino Administrator do not apply to user registration with the Web Administrator. During user registration on the Web, only registration settings set through policies or through the server-based CA apply. Other settings are entered manually or are defaults.

To use Basic user registration with the Web Administrator

1. Make sure you have the following before you begin registration:

2. From the Web Administrator click the People & Groups tab.

3. From the Servers pane, select Domino Directories, and then click People.

4. From the Tools pane, click People - Register.

5. Choose a CA Certifier.

6. (Optional) Choose an Explicit policy.

7. (Optional) If you would like the selections for CA Certifier and Explicit policy to be set as the default, click the check box "Save as default."

8. Click OK.
First name, Middle name, Last nameEnter a first name, middle name (if necessary), and last name.
Short nameThe user's Short name is automatically generated. To change the Short name, enter the new text.
PasswordEnter the password for the user ID. Criteria for this password is based on the level set in the Password Quality Scale in the Password Options dialog box.
Password qualityChoose a password quality. The default level is 8. The password you specify must correspond with the password quality that you select in "Password Options."
Mail SystemChoose one of the available mail types and complete the necessary associated fields:
  • Lotus Notes (default).
  • Other Internet -- choosing this option automatically selects the "Set Internet password" check box.
  • POP -- choosing this option automatically selects the "Set Internet password" check box.
  • IMAP -- choosing this option automatically selects the "Set Internet password" check box.
  • Lotus iNotes -- You are prompted to make other registration selections for Lotus iNotes.
  • Other.
If you select Lotus Notes, POP, or IMAP, the Internet address is automatically generated.

If you select Other Internet, POP, or IMAP, the Internet password is set by default.

If you select Lotus iNotes, you can change other user registration selections to Lotus iNotes defaults by clicking Yes when prompted.

If you select Other or Other Internet, enter a forwarding address. This address is the user's current address, where the user wants mail to be sent. For example, if a user temporarily works at a different location and/or uses a different mail system, the user can have her mail forwarded to that new address. Or, a user may resign from the company but leave a forwarding address so that mail addressed to the old address is forwarded to the new location.

Set Internet passwordClick to set an Internet password.
Create a Notes ID for this personClick to create a Notes ID.
Explicit policy(Optional) To assign a policy to this user, select one from the Explicit policy list.
9. Click the green check mark. The user name appears in the Registration status view (the user registration queue). Or, click the red X to clear all fields and start over.

10. Click Register, and then click OK.

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