Database size quotas
Set a database size quota to specify the maximum size a database can attain. When a database exceeds its quota, the following message appears in the Miscellaneous Events view of the log file (LOG.NSF); "Unable to write to database -- database would exceed its disk quota." Although a database may have reached its quota, a user may be able to add documents to it if the database contains unused space -- that is, space that remains from deleted data.

In conjunction with setting a quota, you can specify that when a database reaches a certain size threshold, this warning message appears in the Miscellaneous Events view of the log file: "Warning, database has exceeded its size warning threshold." For example, if the quota is 50MB, you might specify that the warning appear when the database size reaches 45MB so you can take steps to reduce the size of the database or move it to a server that has more disk space available.

Note You can set quotas on user mail files, but, by default, when a mail file exceeds its quota, the Router continues to deliver mail to it, and users can update existing mail views. This ensures that users can continue to receive and read all mail sent to them. The quota is enforced only for other means of increasing the size of the mail file -- for example, when a mail file reaches its quota, users can't manually add documents or views to it. However, you can customize routing to strictly enforce quotas on mail files.

Database size limits

Databases can attain a maximum size of 64GB on Microsoft® Windows® and UNIX®.

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