Cluster Replicator statistics
Each statistic name includes the prefix Replica.Cluster, which is not included in the names in this table.
Statistic nameDescription
ServersTotal servers in the cluster that are receiving replications from this server
SuccessfulTotal successful replications since the server started
FailedTotal failed replications since the server started
Docs.AddedTotal documents added by the Cluster Replicator
Docs.UpdatedTotal documents updated by the Cluster Replicator
Docs.DeletedTotal documents deleted by the Cluster Replicator
Files.LocalNumber of databases on the current server for which there are replicas on other servers in the cluster
Files.RemoteNumber of databases on other servers to which the Cluster Replicator pushes changes
Retry.SkippedTotal times the Cluster Replicator did not attempt to replicate a database. The retry is skipped when the destination server is known to be unreachable or the database is waiting for another retry attempt.
Retry.WaitingTotal number of replicas that are waiting for retry attempts
SecondsOnQueueTotal time, in seconds, that the last database replicated spent on the work queue
SecondsOnQueue.AvgAverage time, in seconds, that a database spent on the work queue
SecondsOnQueue.MaxMaximum time, in seconds, that a database spent on the work queue
SessionBytes.InTotal bytes received during cluster replication
SessionBytes.OutTotal bytes sent during cluster replication
WorkQueueDepthCurrent number of databases awaiting replication by the Cluster Replicator
WorkQueueDepth.AvgAverage work queue depth since the server started
WorkQueueDepth.MaxMaximum work queue depth since the server started
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