Delete person -- cross domain administration request
You can use the Administration Process to delete a person's name from the IBM® Lotus® Domino® Directory and then send that request to another domain to remove it from the Domino Directory in that domain.

Delete person - outbound (source) domain

These requests are generated on the outbound domain when the user name on the outbound domain is a flat name and you have specified a non-immediate deletion.

Delete person in Domino Directory

Delete in Person documents
Delete in Access Control Lists
Get file information for delete (only if deleting the mail file)
Approve file deletion (only if deleting the mail file)
Request file deletion (only if deleting the mail file)
Delete in Reader / Author fields
Delete mail file (only if deleting the mail file)
Approve deletion of Private Design Elements
Request to delete Private Design Elements
Delete Private Design Elements
Note If the person requesting the delete action chose to delete all replicas of a mail file, then a "Get File Information for deletion" request is created and processed by all servers in the domain. This request is posted after completion of the "Delete mail file" request or the "Delete unlinked mail file" request. For each replica of the mail file found on servers in the domain, the "Approve file deletion," "Request file deletion," and "Delete mail file" request sequence occurs again.

Delete person - inbound (destination) domain

These requests are generated on the inbound domain.

Delete person in Domino Directory

Approve delete person in Domino Directory (only if a matching flat user name is found)
Delete person in Domino Directory (only if a matching flat user name is found)
Delete person in Person documents
Delete in Access Control Lists
Delete in Reader / Author fields
Approve Deletion of Private Design Elements
Request to Delete Private Design Elements
Delete Private Design Elements
Delete person - cross domain administration request

If you select Immediate processing, the outbound domain has the following subset of requests:

If you select Immediate processing, the inbound domain has the following subset of requests.