Configuring the server for message tracking
This process allows you to customize the type of information you want to collect and store in the Mail Tracking Store database (MTSTORE.NSF). For example, you can exclude certain users' mail from being collected, or you can restrict messages from being tracked by message subject.

1. Make sure you already have a Configuration Settings document for the server(s) to be configured.

2. From the IBM® Lotus® Domino® Administrator, click the Configuration tab and expand the Messaging section.

3. Click Configurations.

4. Select the Configuration Settings document for the mail server or servers you want to administer, and click Edit Configuration.

5. In the Configuration Settings document, click the Router/SMTP - Message Tracking tab.

6. Complete these fields, and then click Save & Close:
Message trackingChoose one:
  • Enabled to log message-handling activity information in the Mail Tracking Store database.
  • Disabled (default) to not log any message-handling information.
Don't track messages forThe names of users and/or groups whose messages will not be logged and, therefore, cannot be tracked. This field applies only to messages sent by the specified person or group.

For example, to prevent administrators from tracking messages sent by the Manager of Human Resources, enter the manager's name in this field.

If you leave this field blank (default), authorized administrators can track messages for all users and groups on all servers that are enabled for mail tracking.

On servers running the ISpy task to test mail connectivity, this task sends trace messages at 5-minute intervals. To prevent the Domino MailTracker Store database from filling up with entries for these trace messages, enter the name of the ISpy mail-in database on the server in this field, for example, ISpy on MailHub1.

Log message subjectsChoose one:
  • Yes - The server records the subject of each message in the MailTracker Store database.
  • No - (default) The server does not log message subjects.
Don't log subjects forThe names of users and/or groups whose message subjects will not be logged and, therefore, cannot be tracked. This field applies only to messages sent by the specified person or group. The default is none.
Message tracking collection intervalA number that represents how often, in minutes, you want to log message tracking activity in the Mail Tracking Store database.

Note This number may affect server performance. Enter a number appropriate to the size and speed of your system. The default 15 minutes is recommended.

Allowed to track messagesThe names of servers and/or users allowed to track messages on this server.

If you leave this field blank (default), only members of the LocalDomainServers group are authorized to track messages on this server. If you add any entries to this field, you must list all servers and/or users that are allowed to track messages on this server.

Allowed to track subjectsThe names of servers and/or users allowed to track messages by subject on this server.

If you leave this field blank (default), only members of the LocalDomainServers group are authorized to track messages by subject on this server. If you add any entries to this field, you must list all servers and/or users allowed to track subjects on this server.

Note If you list servers and/or users in this field, you do not have to list them in the "Allowed to track messages" field.

If disk storage space is a concern, use database replication settings to control how many days' worth of information the Mail Tracking Store database retains. The number of days restricts how far back in time messages can be tracked, so choose a value that balances tracking needs and available disk storage.

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