The Domino Web server
IBM® Lotus® Domino® provides an integrated Web application server that can host Web sites that both Internet and intranet clients can access, and that can serve up pages that are stored in the file system or in a Domino database. When a Web browser requests a page in a Domino database, Domino translates the document into HTML. When a Web browser requests a page in an HTML file, Domino reads the file directly from the file system. Then the Web server uses the HTTP protocol to transfer the information to the Web browser.

Using Domino to store Web pages as documents in a database has a major advantage over storing static HTML pages: using Domino, any change that you make to a database is automatically reflected on the Web server.

The following diagram shows how the Web server displays a Notes document as an HTML page to a browser client.

Notes document converts to HTML for browser client display

Any Domino application can be a Web application. Before you create a Web application, become familiar with the Domino features that can be translated into HTML and determine whether Web browser users, Notes clients, or both will access the application. You can use the Notes formula language to detect which type of user is accessing the application and then, based on the user type, change the display of information in the application.

A Domino Web site can consist of a single database or several databases that are connected by links. In addition to hosting Web sites, the Web server can run other server tasks, such as mail or directory services. Be sure to enforce security on databases if you do not want users outside your organization to access the databases on the server.

For information on designing Web applications, see Lotus Domino Designer Help.

Web server features

Domino includes these Web server features:

For information on customizing the authentication of Web application users, see the DSAPI documentation in the Lotus C API Toolkit for Domino and Notes.

Web logs (blogs) and RSS feeds

Web logs (blogs) and RSS feeds can be hosted on Domino Web servers. IBM® Lotus® Notes® Basic includes two application templates for creating Domino Web logs (blogs) and syndicating content from Notes applications by creating RSS feeds using view content.

For information about using the Domino blog template (DOMINOBLOG.NTF), see Lotus Notes Help.

For information about using the Domino RSS template (RSS_GENERATOR.NTF), see the documentation that is available with the template.

Domino XML services

You enable Domino Web XML services on the Web server so that the server can work with the Common Mail and Common Calendar portlets for IBM WebSphere® Portal.

For information about the setting up and using the Common PIM portlets with Domino, see the current IBM WebSphere Portal Information Center.

Making Web site content changes

You might find it convenient to set up one Web server as a production server and another Web server as a "staging" server. Web content managers can make changes on the staging server without exposing the changes to users. After all changes to the Web site are complete, the Web content manager replicates the Web site from the staging server to the production server. In addition, using a staging server allows Web content managers to view changes through a browser before replicating.

If you use a staging server, give access only to Web content managers. Also be sure to give the Web content managers replication access on both the staging server and the production server.

In this example, Web content managers make changes on Webstage-E and replicate these changes to Web-E, which is available to users outside the firewall.

Replicating changes outside the firewall

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