Directory assistance for an Extended Directory Catalog
Unless you integrate an Extended Directory Catalog directly into a server's primary IBM® Lotus® Domino® Directory, a server uses directory assistance look up information in an Extended Directory Catalog.

When you create a Directory Assistance document for an Extended Directory Catalog, the following selections are the important ones to consider:

1. On the Basics tab, next to Domain type, select Notes.

2. On the Basics tab, next to Domain name, make up a unique domain name. Or, if the Extended Directory Catalog functions as a remote primary Domino Directory used by servers with Configuration Directories, specify the domain of the servers with the Configuration Directories.

3. If there are other Directory Assistance documents in the database, on the Basics tab, next to Search order, typically you should specify a search order of 1.

4. On the Basics tab, next to "Group Authorization," select Yes if you want servers to use groups aggregated in the Extended Directory Catalog for authorizing database access. You can choose this option for only one directory in the directory assistance database. Choose the option for an Extended Directory Catalog if you want serves to be able to use groups from any of the aggregated directories for database authorization.

5. To trust all the directories aggregated in the Extended Directory Catalog for Internet client authentication, on the "Naming contexts (Rules)" tab, include a rule that is "Trusted for Credentials." If you want to trust some Domino Directories for client authentication, but not others, you can create one Extended Directory Catalog that aggregates the trusted directories and a second that aggregates untrusted directories. Then create a separate Directory Assistance document for each Extended Directory Catalog, and enable "Trusted for Credentials" only in the document for the directory catalog you want servers to trust for authentication.

6. In the replicas tab, be sure to configure failover for the Extended Directory Catalog.

Note When servers use an Extended Directory Catalog, to optimize lookup performance, remove any Directory Assistance documents that exist for the directories aggregated in the directory catalog. For example, if you aggregate Directory A into an Extended Directory Catalog, if there is a Directory Assistance document for Directory A, remove the document.

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