Show Directory

Show Directory

Show Directory -argument

Description: Lists all database files (for example, NSF and NTF) on a Domino server and specifies whether the server contains multiple replicas of a database.

Tip From the IBM® Lotus® Domino® Administrator, click the Files tab to view a list of all database files in the data directory.


There are three arguments for the Domino Attachment and Object Service (DAOS), one that shows only enablement status for the database (daos), and an extended argument (-daos) that includes details.

The third argument, -daosonly, must be used in combination with either of the two other arguments and be the last argument on the line. It limits the databases listed to only those participating in DAOS.

You can also use the Show Directory command to check which databases have transactional logging enabled.

To see only logged databases, enter this command at the console:

To see only unlogged databases, enter this command at the console:
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