Table of operators used in ldapsearch search filters
The following table describes the operators you can use in a search filter.
OperatorUse toExample
=Find entries that contain an attribute with a value equal to a specified value"cn=John Browning"
= <string>*<string>Find entries that contain an attribute with a value equal to a specified substring"cn=John*"


>=Find entries that contain an attribute with a value that is numerically or alphabetically greater than or equal to a specified value"cn>=D"
<=Find entries that contain an attribute with a value that is numerically or alphabetically less than or equal to a specified value"roomNumber<=300"
=*Find entries that contain a value for a specified attribute, regardless of the attribute value."sn=*"
~=Find entries that contain an attribute with a value approximately equal to a specified value."sn~=Brning" could return sn=Browning
&Find entries that meet the criteria specified in all search filters"(&(cn=John Browning)(l=Dallas))"
|Find entries that meet the criteria specified in at least one specified search filter"(|(cn=John Browning)(l=Dallas))"
!Find entries that do not meet the criteria specified in search filter"(!(cn=John Browning))" or "(!(l=Dallas))"
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