Server.Load metrics and messaging statistics
As you run a test, you can view various script metrics and server statistic metrics and optionally store the test output in a separate file. Server statistic metrics are generated by the IBM® Lotus® Domino® server. Script metrics correspond to Server.Load command names and display the performance of particular commands. For example, if you select the Add metric, the Metrics window displays the results of the Add command.

Note If the server runs Microsoft® Windows®, you can also use the Windows Performance Monitor to measure performance.

Database statistics
Database.BufferPool.ReadsNumber of database buffer pool reads.
Database.BufferPool.UsedNumber of bytes allocated in the buffer control pool.
Database.BufferPool.WritesNumber of database buffer pool writes.
Database.DbCache.CurrentEntriesNumber of entries in the database cache.
Database.DbCache.HighWaterMarkHigh water mark of the database cache.
Database.DbCache.HitsNumber of hits to the database cache.
Database.DbCache.InitialDbOpensNumber of database opens done by the database cache.
Database.NIFPool.UsedNumber of database NIF pools

System statistics
Disc.c.Free (bytes)Free disk space in bytes on drive 'n'. When disk space is low, compact, delete, or move databases. If problem persists, consider a larger hard disk.
Disc.c.Size (bytes)Total size in bytes of drive 'n'.
Server.Trans.PerMinuteNumber of transactions that took place in the last minute. Useful to monitor server use. If this number is consistently higher than that of other servers and performance is a problem, redistribute the server load to other servers.
Server.UsersNumber of users with sessions open on the server. Useful to monitor overall server use. If this number is consistently higher than that of other servers and performance is a problem, redistribute the server load to other servers.

Mail statistics
Mail.AverageDeliverTimeAverage delivery time of messages in seconds
Mail.AverageServerHopsAverage number of server hops for a delivered message.
Mail.AverageSizeDeliveredAverage size of message delivered, in K.
Mail.DeadNumber of undeliverable messages in MAIL.BOX. Useful for detecting problems with the Router. Check the server MAIL.BOX to view the dead mail messages and determine the problem.
Mail.DeliveredNumber of messages received by the Router.
Mail.MaximumDeliverTimeSlowest delivery time of messages in seconds.
Mail.MinimumServerHopsLeast number of server hops for a delivered message.
Mail.MaximumSizeDeliveredLargest message delivered, in K.
Mail.MinimumDeliverTimeSlowest delivery time of messages in seconds.
Mail.MaximumServerHopsMost number of server hops for a delivered message.
Mail.MinimumSizeDeliveredSmallest message delivered, in K.
Mail.TotalFailuresTotal number of mail failures.
Mail.TotalRoutedTotal number of recipients that mail has routed to since the server started.
Mail.WaitingNumber of outgoing mail messages waiting to be either delivered locally or transferred in MAIL.BOX. Useful for detecting problems with the mail Router.
Mail.WaitingRecipientsNumber of recipients awaiting either local delivery or transfer.

Network statistics
NET.TCPIP.BytesReceivedAmount of data received from client to server using TCP/IP protocol.
NET.TCPIP.BytesSentAmount of data sent from client to server using TCP/IP protocol.
NET.TCPIP.Sessions.Established.IncomingIncoming sessions from client to server using TCP/IP protocol.

Per Minute Thread Statistics

These statistics are automatically provided and collected for every test.
Avg. Trans (Per Thread)The average number of transactions per thread.
Min. Trans (Per Thread)The minimum number of transactions per thread.
Max. Trans (Per Thread)The maximum number of transactions per thread.
Total Trans (All Threads)The total number of transactions per thread.
Running ThreadsThe total number of all threads currently running.
Agg. ReplicationsThe aggregate number of replications that occurred.
Avg. Rsp. Time (ms)The average NRPC response time. This is the average response across all threads and is the best overall value to track general server response curves.

Note This value is not applicable to the Web Mail script

Running time (min)The total running time.
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