The current limitation for the workload is the total population is divided into groups of "N" users (For example, 1000) and the NOTES.INI settings ST.BL.beginuser.number= and ST.BL.enduser.number= will vary accordingly on each client driver (1-1000,1001-2000, and so forth). This is used to maintain the internal list of users available to chat by the Sametime 7.0 workload.
Test Initialization
Run the Sametime 7.0 Initialization Workload.
The measurements obtained by this test are:
For 24 Iterations: ContextIterations 1, 2, 3 being 3, 24, 12 respectively:
Chat Pause Times = 60(5*0.5*24 )
Status Pause Times = 80(2*5*8)
Buddy List Pause Times = 5(1*5)
Logout Pause Times = 20(1*10*2)
For 24 Iterations (a six-hour period):
Logouts - 2
Resolve - 1
Awareness - 1
1. Start Server.Load.
2. In the field Select Script, choose Sametime 7.0 IM Workload, and then click Execute.
3. Click Start Test.
4. Proceed to one of the Sametime workloads according to which one you want to run.
5. (Optional)To verify that the workload run was successful, review the Sametime Status output.
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