Editing and deleting Resource documents
After you create a Resource document, the information that you can change includes the Availability Settings, Description, Capacity, Online resource data, Other Comments, and Ownership Options fields. To change any other information about the resource, you must delete the Resource document and then create a new one containing the new information.

New resource information is not available until the Administration Process updates the Resource document in the IBM® Lotus® Domino® Directory and the change replicates to all relevant replicas of the Domino Directory that are on servers used for scheduling resources.

If you delete a resource from the Resource Reservations database, an Administration Process Request document for the resource deletion is created in the Administration Requests database (ADMIN4.NSF). To delete the resource and remove it from the Domino Directory, you must open the Administration Requests database and approve the request for deletion. Note that to approve requests you need the appropriate access in the ACL of the Administration Requests database.

To edit a Resource document

1. Make sure that you have the [CreateResource] role in the ACL of the Resource Reservations database.

2. From the Domino Administrator, click the Files tab.

3. From the Servers pane, select the server from which you want to work.

4. Open the Resource Reservations database, and then click Resources.

5. Open the Resource document you want to edit and click Edit Resource.

6. Edit any of the following fields for resources of type Room or Other. If you are editing a resource of type Online Meeting Place, do not complete Step 6; go to Step 7.
DescriptionDescription of the resource.
Capacity (for Rooms only)The capacity of the resource, if it has one -- for example, the seating capacity of a room.
Category (for Other only)Name for category of Resource -- for example, Electronic or AV. This field also displays names of all previously entered Category values, from which you can choose. Non-modifiable field.
Owner restrictionsChoose one:
  • None - Click if no owner is assigned to the resource and anyone can reserve the resource.
  • Owner only - Click to assign a Resource owner. Only the Resource owner can process Resource requests. Enter the name of the resource owner in the Owner’s name field.
  • Specific people - Click to allow only specified users access to the resource. Enter the names of users allowed to reserve this resource in the List of names field.
  • Autoprocessing - Click to allow only specified users access to the resource and to assign a resource owner. Enter the name of the resource owner in the Owner’s name field. The owner is the person to whom requests from other users (those not listed in List of names field) are forwarded for approval and processing. Enter the names of users allowed to reserve this resource in the List of names field.
  • Disable reservations - Prevent users from reserving a resource from their mail file.
Availability settingsChoose one:
  • 24 hours everyday - The resource is available 24 hours each day. When you select this availability setting, other availability settings are disabled.
  • Time zone - Specify the time zone for the resource. The default is Local Time, but you can specify others as applicable, such as Eastern Time.
  • Days of week and hours of days - Select the days of the week that the resource is available. Specify availability start time and end time for each available day selected.
Other commentsEnter additional comments about the resource as necessary.
Internet addressAn Internet address that iCalendar users can use to reserve the resource.
7. Edit any of the following fields for resources of type of Online Meeting Place. If you are editing a resource of type Other or Room go to step 8. Do not complete step 7.
DescriptionDescription of the resource.
Online Meeting DatabaseThe default database, STCONF.NSF, is entered by default. This field cannot be modified.
External addressName of the mail-in database on the Sametime server. The name you enter here must be identical to the name of the Sametime Mail-in database.
Sametime serverName of the Sametime server hosting the meeting.
Audio Video SupportChoose one:
  • Audio - voice only
  • Audio and Video - Voice and video display
Other commentsModify or enter comments regarding the resource as desired.
8. Click Save and Close.

To delete a resource

When you delete a resource, an administration request that requires the administrator's approval is also generated. After deleting the resource in the user interface, open the Administration Requests database and approve the deletion there. Instructions for both procedures are included here.

1. Make sure that you have the [CreateResource] role in the ACL of the Resource Reservations database.

2. From the Domino Administrator, click the Files tab.

3. From the Servers pane, select the server from which you want to work.

4. Open the Resource Reservations database, and then click Resources.

5. Open the Resource document that you are deleting, and click Delete Resource.

6. Click Yes and click OK.

To approve the resource deletion

To process the deletion, the request needs approval in the Administration Requests database. Complete these steps to approve the "Approve Resource Deletion" administration request.

1. From the Domino Administrator, click Server - Analysis - Administration Requests.

2. Click Pending Administrator Approval.

3. Open the Approve Resource Deletion request document and click Edit Document.

4. Click Approve Resource Deletion.

5. Choose Yes and then click OK to approve the deletion.

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