N8Mail Initialization workload
Use the N8Mail Initialization workload to prepare for the N8Mail workload and the N7Mail workload. This workload creates the mail databases needed to run both workloads.

1. Make sure that you already set up clients and servers for Server.Load.

2. On the IBM® Lotus® Domino® Administrator client, start Server.Load.

3. Run the "Create NotesBench Mail Person Documents" agent to create the desired number of Person documents in the Domino Directory. When prompted, set these variables:
Message storage format0 (NOTES)
Mail system1 (NOTES)
4. In the Test Type field, choose Built-In, and then choose N8Mail Initialization Workload from the list.

5. Click the Test Parameters tab, and do the following:

6. Click the Script Variables tab, and enter these values:
MailServerEnter the canonical name of the mail server -- for example, CN=MailServer1/O=Acme.
nb_dbdirEnter a database directory relative to the Notes data directory. Recommended value is mail\.
MailTemplateEnter the name of the mail file template.
NumMailNotesPerUserNumber of notes used to populate the mail file when the mail file is created (recommended value is 3000).
NormalMessageSizeEnter the size of the body of the message. Recommended value is 10000.
NB_Mail_Save_MessageSet to 0, for init, it is not necessary for sent messages to go to the Sent folder.
TESTNSF_USEMAILDEPOSITTRANSSet to 1, so that sent mail is submitted via Mail deposit transaction.
NB_MailRealFromFieldSet to 1 so the message sender is set to a "mail" user rather than the name corresponding to the Note ID file (When initializing, the mail user sends mail to itself. This changes the name of the From field for each message so that there is a mix of senders).
MailRecipientBeginNumberThe Beginning value of the range of mail users from which to select for recipients.
MailRecipientEndNumberThe Ending value of the range of mail users from which to select for recipients.
ThreadStaggerSet to greater than 0, this is the amount of time each thread should wait before starting. If not set, or set to 0, pause times will not be random.
NABENTRIESSet to the total number of initialized users on the server.
ColorProfileSet to 1 to enable adding a color profile to the mail database. (optional)
BlockSenderOFFSet to 1 to disable creating a block sender rule. (optional)
7. In the "Build Recipient List using Name and Address Book" field, enter the name of the SUT and its Domino Directory in the format servername/org!!dominodirectory.NSF -- for example, Server1/Acme!!NAMES.NSF.

8. Verify that no errors occur while creating mail files on the client and SUT. If a mail file is not created, the test script creates the mail file during the first test iteration, a process that adds overhead on the server back end. As a rule, CPU on the client and SUT should not exceed 75%, and the percentage of disk time on the server's data directory should not be a factor.

9. (Optional) Click the Stop Conditions tab to set a stop condition.

10. Click Execute.

11. (Optional) Select metrics to monitor.

12. (Optional) In the "Server to receive console commands" field, enter the name of the SUT.

13. Click Start Test.

14. Verify that the correct number of test mail files were created in the data directory. Each mail file is named MAILn.NSF, where n is a number.

When the N8Mail Initialization workload completes successfully, there will be NumMailNotesPerUser number of mail messages, ten invitations, ten mail rules, five read messages, five replies in the inbox, and a folder called NotesBench. The the mail databases are ready to run the N8Mail and N7Mail workloads.

Note Depending on what is set, mail from a blocked sender will not go through. Please see the command MAILRULEBLOCKSENDER in the Server.Load reference for details.

The size of mail databases has increased to make them more realistic. An average size is 250MB.

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