1. Make sure that you have already set up clients and servers for Server.Load.
2. Run the "Create NotesBench Mail Person Documents" agent to create the desired number of Person documents in the IBM® Lotus® Domino® Directory. When prompted, set these variables:
4. In the Test Type field, choose Built-In, and then choose R5 IMAP Initialization Workload from the list.
5. Click the Script Variables tab, and enter these values:
7. In the "Build Recipient List using Name and Address Book" field, enter the name of the SUT and its Domino Directory in the format servername/org!!dominodirectory.NSF -- for example, Server1/Acme!!NAMES.NSF.
8. Verify that the client and server experience no errors while creating mail files. If a mail file has not been created, the test script creates the mail file during the first test iteration, but this adds overhead on the server back end. As a rule, CPU on the client and SUT should not exceed 75%, and the percentage of Disk Time on the Domino Server Data directory should not be a factor.
9. Click the Test Parameters tab. If you are running the test on multiple clients, increment the value of the Starting Thread No. parameter when you run the test on each client.
10. (Optional) Click the Stop Conditions tab to set a stop condition.
11. Click Execute.
12. (Optional) Select metrics to monitor.
13. (Optional) In the "Server to receive console commands" field, enter the name of the SUT.
14. Click Start Test.
15. Verify that the correct number of test mail files were created in the data directory. Each mail file is named MAILn.NSF, where n is a number.
16. Complete the procedure to run the R5IMAP workload.
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