N8Mail and N7Mail workloads
The N8Mail and N7Mail workloads model an active user on an IBM® Lotus® Notes® 8 client and Notes 7 client respectively, acting on an IBM® Lotus® Domino® 8 server performing the same set of calendaring and mail operations. An average user will run this script four times per hour. Each script iteration reads five documents (replying to one message every other iteration), moves one document, deletes two documents, opens and closes one database, opens, scrolls, and closes one view, sends one memo to one recipient, every other iteration sends 1 memo to three recipients, and performs name look ups on the IBM Lotus Domino Directory. Once per two hour period, the test schedules one appointment, sends one invitation to the recipients, and accepts one invitation. Messages are deposited in the SUT's mailbox. Even though this document will reference N8Mail throughout, all of the initialization and workload settings and operations are identical for the N7Mail workload.


This test measures:

Test Initialization

If you have not already created mail databases, do so before running the test. Use the N8Mail Initialization workload to create the mail files.

NOTES.INI settings for the N8Mail Driver

These are required variables that do not appear on the Script Variables box below:
NOTES.INI settingDescription
Domain=MyDomainSUT's domain.
NB_MAIL_SAVE_MESSAGE=1When sending a memo, save to the Sent folder.
NB_PERCENT_ATTACHEMENTS_READ=25What percentage should be read out of all attachments encountered.
NABENTRIES=1Number of valid users on the server.
NB_MailRealFromField=1The Notes ID file.
MailRecipientBeginNumber=1The Beginning of the range of users from which to choose a random recipient.
MailRecipientEndNumber=1000The end of the range of users from which to choose a random recipient.
ContextIteration1=24The iteration interval in which to add a calendar appointment (24 = once per 6 hour period).
ContextIteration2=24The iteration interval in which to send a meeting invitation (24 = once per 6 hour period).
ContextIteration3=24The iteration interval in which to respond to a calendar invite (24 = once per 6 hour period).
RUNTIME=9999How long over all the entire test should run.

NOTES.INI settings for the N8Mail SUT

Other suggested SUT settings include:
Server document settings for the N8Mail workload

Ensure that the Basics tab of the Server document contains these settings:

Be sure to enable Mail Journaling and Transaction Logging on the Server document.

Running the N8Mail or N7Mail workload

1. Make sure that you already completed the procedure to run the N8Mail Initialization workload.

2. On the SUT, do the following:

3. In the Test Type field, choose Built-In, and then choose N8Mail Workload or N7Mail Workload test from the list.

4. Click the Test Parameters tab. If you are running the test on multiple clients, increment the value of the Starting Thread No. parameter when you run the test on each client.

5. Click the Script Variables tab, and enter these values:
MailServerEnter the canonical name of the mail server -- for example, CN=MailServer1/O=Acme.
nb_dbdirEnter a database directory relative to the Notes data directory. Recommended value is mail\.
MailTemplateEnter the name of the mail file template.


Number of entries to read (Notes 8 or Notes 7, depends on which workload is selected.)
%NUMCALENTRIES%Set by LocateCalNote, but for init purposes, set to 0.
NB_ReplyNthIterationWhen reading notes, how often, based on iteration, to reply to one message.
NB_Memo1NumRecipientsThe number of recipients for the first memo.
NB_Memo1NthIterationHow often to send first memo.
NB_Memo2NumRecipientsThe number of recipients for the second memo.
NB_Memo2NthIterationHow often to send second memo.
NB_InvtNumRecipientsNumber of Recipients for sending an invite.
ScriptIterationLimitEnter the number of times the outer loop of the test script runs. Recommended value is 1. This value must match the value in the Script Loop Count field on the Test Parameters tab.
6. (Optional) Click the Stop Conditions tab to set a stop condition.

7. Click Execute.

8. (Optional) Select metrics to monitor.

9. (Optional) In the "Server to receive console commands" field, enter the name of the SUT.

10. Click Start Test.

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