Creating criteria for mail archiving
You use an Archive Criteria policy settings document to define sets of criteria to use when archiving an IBM® Lotus® Notes® user's mail documents. You create an Archive Criteria policy settings document from within an Archive policy settings document. After you create archive criteria, you can use it in one or more archive policy settings documents.

When you specify archive criteria, you determine what to do with old documents in a user's mail file. Do you archive them (copy them to an archive database) or just delete them? If you archive them, you determine how to "clean up" the copies of the archived mail documents that remain the user's mail file. And finally, you define what an old document is.

Mail file criteria answers these questions:

Specifying the name and location for the Archive database

By default, the archive mail database is stored in the directory archive, located in the data directory. Archive is the default name for the archive directory. The default name format for a user's archive database file is a_xxxx.nsf, where a_ is the prefix and xxxx is the name of the mail database. The name of the archive database is based on a specified number of characters (the default is 50) from the user's mail file name. For example, for the end user John Smith, whose mail file is jsmith.nsf, the archive database name is a_jsmith.nsf.

To create archive criteria policy settings

1. From the IBM® Lotus® Domino® Administrator, select the People & Groups tab, and then open the Settings view.

2. Do one:

3. Select the Selection Criteria tab, and then click "New Criteria."

4. Provide the following information on the Basics tab.
NameEnter a name that identifies the archive criteria. When you add criteria to an archive policy settings document, this is the name that appears in the selection box. This name also appears in the user's mail folder outline under Actions - Archive.
DescriptionEnter a description of the criteria.
Enable archive criteriaDo one:
  • Check to enable this archive criteria.
  • Uncheck if you are creating archive criteria to use later.
5. For "How should documents be archived?," choose one:

6. If you chose to Copy old documents, for "How should documents be cleaned up?," choose one: 7. Under "Which documents should be cleaned up?" specify the criteria that defines an "old" document. This criteria determines which documents are candidates for archiving. Choose one: 8. (Optional) If you use a custom mail template, complete these fields 9. For "In views or folders" check this option to clean up all documents in the selected views and folders according to the criteria you established in the settings above.

10. (Optional) Click the Destination tab and change any of these fields if you want to change the location of the archive database.
Archive DirectoryThe default is archive. Enter a new name if you want to change it.
Archive PrefixThe default is the letter a, followed by an underscore (_). Enter a new prefix if you want to change it.
Archive suffixThe default is .NSF. Enter a different suffix for the archive database name if you want to use a suffix other than NSF.
Number of characters from original filenameThe default is 50. To change this, enter the number of characters to use from the user’s mail file name to create the archive database name.
11. Save the document.

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