Changing a non-roaming user to roaming
When you change a user from non-roaming to Domino server roaming, the Administration Process changes the user's status in their Person document from non-roaming to roaming and creates a personal subdirectory for each roaming user. This personal subdirectory contains the roaming user's files. Be sure to observe the following guidelines when changing a user's roaming status: This procedure is applicable for Domino server-based roaming only.

Note Only those users who have a hierarchical ID (for example, CN=Jane Doe/OU=East/O=Acme) can be upgraded to roaming users. To upgrade a flat user ID, recertify that user ID to a hierarchical format, and then upgrade the user.

The roaming user feature requires the use of Dynamic Client Configuration (DCC). If you have used the NOTES.INI setting, DisableDynConfigClient=1 to disable DCC, remove that NOTES.INI entry or comment out the entry in the NOTES.INI file and then restart the client. If DCC is disabled, the end-user is never prompted as to whether they want to upgrade to roaming status; therefore, the administration process does not generate the administration requests that are required to perform the upgrade to roaming status. This applies only to upgrades to roaming status; it does not apply to new roaming user setups.

To change a non-roaming user to roaming

1. To change a non-roaming user to a Domino server-based roaming user, you must have the following rights or privileges:

2. From the Domino Administrator, click the People & Groups tab.

3. Select one or more non-roaming user name(s).

4. From the Tools pane, click People - Roaming.

5. Complete these fields:
Where should the user's roaming files be stored?Choose one:
  • Store on user's mail server -- Places the user's roaming files on the user's mail server. (The user's mail server was designated during user registration.)
  • Roaming Server -- Click the button to specify the server on which you want to store the user's roaming files.
  • Store user ID in personal address book -- (Optional) Places the user's ID in their own local personal address book.
User's personal roaming folderChoose one:
  • Base folder -- Name of the folder in which to store the user's roaming files. By default the user's base folder is located in the Domino\data directory. For example, if you want the base folder to be called Roaming for all your roaming users, enter Roaming to create the Domino\data\Roaming directory.
  • Sub-folder format -- The format to use when naming the roaming user's personal subfolder. By default this is the user's short name format. You can change this format if desired and you can optionally choose a separator character. A personal folder (subfolder) is created in the Base folder for each user you upgrade to roaming user.
If folder existsChoose one:
  • Skip person -- if a folder already exists.
  • Generate folder name -- to create a new folder.
Client upgrade option - User should be promptedChoose one:
  • Click the check box, User should be prompted, if you want the user to be prompted as to whether to suppress the upgrade to a status of roaming user. By default, the user is prompted as to whether they want to suppress the upgrade to roaming status.
  • Remove the check mark from the check box to prevent the display of a prompt asking the user whether they want to be upgraded from a non-roaming user status to a roaming user status. When this check box is not marked, the upgrade to roaming user status is done by default.
Client set-up options - User should be promptedChoose one:
  • Click the check box, User should be prompted, if you want the user to be prompted as to whether to suppress the upgrade to the client. By default, the user is prompted as to whether they want to suppress the upgrade.
  • Remove the check mark from the check box to prevent the display of a prompt asking the user whether they want to upgrade the client. When this check box is not marked, the roaming user upgrade is done by default.
Roaming user client clean up optionsChoose one:
  • Do not cleanup -- No cleanup is performed on roaming user files.
  • Cleanup every <number> days -- Specify a number between 0 and 365.
  • Cleanup at Notes shutdown -- Cleans up files when IBM® Lotus® Notes® is shut down.
  • Prompt user -- The user is prompted on exiting the client as to whether they want to clean up their personal files. If the user chooses Yes, the data directory on that client workstation is deleted. If the user chooses No, the user is prompted as to whether they want to be asked again on that client. If the user chooses No, the user is not prompted again. If the user chooses Yes, the user is prompted again the next time the user exits the client on that workstation.
Perform updates in backgroundProcesses requests in the background leaving the administration client available for other administration activities.

Note If you do not choose this option, the Administration client is busy until the Administration Process completes the upgrade.

6. Click OK.
To verify the change

The procedure changes the user's status in their Person document from non-roaming to roaming. To verify that the change has been made:

1. From the Domino Administrator, click the People & Groups tab.

2. Select the user you promoted to roaming.

3. Click "Edit Person" to open the user's Person document.

4. Click the Roaming tab. The "User Can Roam" field should display "In Progress" or "Yes." The "In Progress" status displays until replication has occurred and all replicas of the user's files are updated.

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