Setting up type-ahead
The type-ahead feature in IBM® Lotus® iNotes™ uses the names of people to whom users have recently sent e-mail to populate a list of type-ahead names that display when a user is completing an address field that expects an e-mail address. This feature caches, in memory, a list of names that are used most frequently, and then displays those names at the top of the list.

Type-ahead is on by default. Optionally, use the NOTES.INI settings listed here to disable or to further define type-ahead.


Syntax: iNotes_WA_CachedNames=value

Description: Enables or disables type-ahead beginning with Domino® 8.5.1. Note that you must provide a value. If the value is left blank, the tpe-ahead list will not populate. Values are:

0 - Disables type-ahead

1 - Enables type-ahead (default)

Applies to: All modes of Lotus iNotes

Default: 1 (enabled)

UI equivalent: none


Syntax: iNotes_WA_CachedNames_MaxNames=value

Description: Determines the maximum number of names stored in the cached-names list. Values can be from 1 - 200.

Applies to: All modes of Lotus iNotes

Default: 120

UI equivalent: none


Syntax: iNotes_WA_NameTypeaheadWaitTimeout=number of milliseconds

Description: Aborts the type-ahead server request if the server does not return a response in the specified duration.

Applies to: All modes of Lotus iNotes

Default: 5000

UI equivalent: none


Syntax: iNotes_WA_UltralightCachedNames_MaxNames=value

Description: For ultra-light mode, type-ahead uses a subset of the names stored in the cached-names list. Use this setting to determine the maximum number of names in the subset. Values can be from 1 - 200, but cannot be greater than the value for iNotes_WA_CachedNames_MaxNames.

Applies to: Ultra-light mode of Lotus iNotes

Default: 60

UI equivalent: none


Syntax: iNotes_WA_UltralightCachedNames_MaxNames=value

Description: For ultra-light mode, sets the number of choices to show in the type-ahead list per page. Pressing the right or left arrow shows subsequent pages of names. Values can be from 1 - 200.

Applies to: Ultra-light mode of Lotus iNotes

Default: 4

UI equivalent: none

What has changed from previous versions

If you used the NOTES.INI setting iNotes_WA_NameTypeahead or iNotes_WA_NameTypeaheadStartTimeout to set up type-ahead in previous versions of Domino, they will be ignored in the 8.5.1 version of Lotus iNotes.

Note also that the Desktop Policy setting "Disable type-ahead for all names and use the Notes Basic type-ahead" does not affect iNotes.

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