DAOS was unable to rebuild the list of external files while trying to resynchronize
This message occurs when Domino fails to complete the list it builds of all attachment (.NLO) files in DAOS while running a DAOS re-synchronization. To avoid possible data loss, until this error is resolved, attachments will be stored inside Notes databases as if DAOS were not enabled.

Note This should not be a frequently occurring error. An additional message may provide information on why DAOS failed to complete the list. Some possible causes include sudden inaccessibility of the storage device as a result of power loss or loss of network connection.

To correct this problem, run the Tell DAOSMgr Resync command.

Tip Depending on the number of DAOS references, the Resync command may take time to complete, and is best run at a time when the server is not in active use to avoid compromising performance.

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