Using a remote DB2 server with server enablement
A new database is created in IBM® Lotus® Domino® and IBM® DB2 Universal Database™ Enterprise Server Edition configurations that include a remote DB2 server. The new database has this format:
In keeping with the above format, an example of such a database name is ADOMINO.

If the DB2 server is remote, the computer on which the Domino server is installed must have at least the DB2 Run-Time Client installed on it.

Note It could also have ESE installed.

Example of a remote configuration

In this example there are two computers:

The environment of the user who starts the Domino server must contain the setting DB2INSTANCE=db2inst2.

The Domino server is started with transaction logging enabled.

During server enablement, the Domino Administrator client creates a DB2 node on computer A, using the information supplied to the Domino Administrator client.
  • DB2 nodename:
  • Host name:
  • Port number/ service name:
At server startup, using the information supplied to the Domino Administrator client, the following occurs:

The name of the DB2 database created on the DB2 server is the database name the user entered pre-pended with the letter "A." Using the same example as above, the database name would be ADOMINO.

Manually cataloging the DB2 database that the Domino server will use

Complete these steps to ensure that the Domino server uses a db2node to get to the db2database.

1. To catalog a node, enter the following:

2. (Domino Administrator client ) Before restarting the DB2-enabled Domino server, run the DB2 command:
3. To catalog a database, where the <database name> is in the Domino server's NOTES.INI setting DB2DATABASE=databasename, enter the following: 4. To verify that the DB2 database ADOMINO was created, enter the following command:
In the DB2INSTANCE db2inst5 on computer B, that is, the DB2 server, you will see this output indicating that the DB2 database ADOMINO was created:

To verify that the DB2 database DOMINO was cataloged in the DB2INSTANCE db2inst2 on computer A, that is, the Domino server , enter this command:
You will see the following output: