Using the autoconfigure command to automatically set database configuration parameters
The autoconfigure command recommends optimal database settings based on the available resources, internal statistics gathered by IBM® DB2 Universal Database™ Enterprise Server Edition, and input parameters which provide information about the IBM® Lotus® Domino® server requirements. Running autoconfigure can improve system performance.

Run autoconfigure with the parameters shown in the table.
KeywordValid valuesDefault
mem_percent1-1008060Percentage of memory to dedicate. If other applications (other than the operating system) are running on this server, set this to less than 100.
workload_typesimple, mixed, complexmixedsimpleSimple workloads tend to be I/O intensive and mostly transactions, whereas complex workloads tend to be CPU intensive and mostly queries.
num_stmts1-1 000 00010.0040000.00Number of statements per unit of work.
tpm1-200 00060.00150000.00Transactions per minute.
admin_priorityperformance, recovery, bothbothperformanceOptimize for better performance (more transactions per minute) or better recovery time.
is_populatedyes, noyesyesIs the database populated with data?
num_local_apps0-5 0000.00500.00Number of connected local applications.
num_remote_apps0-5 00010.00500.00Number of connected remote applications.
isolationRR, RS, CS, URRRCSIsolation level of applications connecting to this database.

RR -- Repeatable Read

RS -- Read Stability

CS -- Cursor Stability

UR -- Uncommitted Read

bp_resizeableyes, noyesyesAre buffer pools resizeable?
Run autoconfigure after the Domino databases have been created and data has been added (is_populated yes).

If the computer is only running DB2, increase the parameter mem_percent. If other applications are running on the same computer with DB2, decrease mem_percent.

Note The LOG* db cfg parameters only apply if you do not configure archive-style transaction logging that is, you must set LOGRETAIN=No.

Use the available options to allow autoconfigure to define values for multiple configuration parameters and to determine the scope of the application of those parameters. The scope can be set to one of these values:
Scope Explanation
NONENone of the values are applied
DB ONLYOnly database configuration and buffer pool values are applied
DB AND DBMAll parameters and their values are applied
Note The first time you run the autoconfigure command, include the Apply parameter as well as the parameters shown in the table, and set the parameter Apply to None. This allows you to see what type of recommendation autoconfigure produces. An example is shown here:

After that initial test of the autoconfigure command with Apply set to None, rerun the command with Apply set to db and dbm. An example is shown here:
If you choose to have autoconfigure apply the recommended changes to your database and database server, explicitly reset the following parameters. Autoconfigure's choices for these parameters are inadequate for Domino's requirements. From the DB2 CLP, use the following commands to update the configuration parameters to the indicated values.

For more information about using the autoconfigure command, see the DB2 Information Center.

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