Configuring the Domino SNMP Agent for z/OS
Follow the steps below, once per LPAR, to configure the IBM® Lotus® Domino® SNMP Agent for z/OS®.

Before using the Domino SNMP Agent, ensure that TCP/IP and SNMP are properly installed and configured on the LPAR. Also, verify that the Domino executable and the Domino data directories are in your search path. We only support community-based security (SNMPv1 / SNMPv2 formats).

If you do not have SNMP configured on your LPAR, see the following IBM documentation to configure SNMP:

The SNMP agent and subagents record trace information via the z/OS® UNIX® System Services syslog daemon using the daemon facility. If you are using SNMP, set up the syslog daemon. For detailed information regarding syslogd and specifying the daemon facility in the /etc/syslog.conf configuration file, see the z/OS Communications Server manuals listed above.

Note There is also a Syslogd How To informational APAR, apar II12021.

To verify that SNMP is configured correctly, enter the following command from within Unix System Services:

The output should resemble the following sample output:
If the output from the osnmp command does not resemble the sample output, SNMP is not correctly configured. Verify that you have SNMP configured correctly by reviewing the z/OS Communications Server manuals prior to continuing. You need to be aware of the following when setting up SNMP for Domino:

1. If you include a SACONFIG statement in your TCP/IP profile, verify that the statement in your profile is similar to the following example:

2. Verify that port 161 is reserved in your TCP/IP profile.
3. Verify the procedure OSNMPD is configured correctly and that it starts after every IPL.
4.,, pw.src and snmptrap.dest are not required for running the Domino SNMP agent. However, if you choose to use these members, they must be set up correctly. Verify that these members in /etc have Read access for user, group and other.
5. If you are using /etc/pw.src or /etc/snmpd.conf, verify that they have the correct hostname as well as the IP address for the Domino server. Hostnames are case-sensitive. Enter the following command from within UNIX System Services to obtain the correct host name for your system.
6. Verify that snmptrap.dest has the correct hostname. Hostnames are case-sensitive.
To start the Domino SNMP agent

1. As a uid 0 user, start the LNSNMP process by typing this command:

2. When lnsnmp is started, verify that SNMP is aware of the Domino MIB by entering the following commands:
The value returned should have an OID number that starts with This confirms that the SNMP Agent is receiving the request, forwarding it to lsnmp, and that lsnmp is returning a valid value.

If you do not see the appropriate responses shown above, or if the getnext response is for an OID outside of the Lotus Domino MIB, additional debugging is required. Start an SNMP Agent trace at level 255.

To determine whether there are additional things to check for and to obtain information about setting up an SNMP Agent trace, see informational APAR II13477.

To stop the LNSMP agent use

Enter this command:

After you complete the z/OS-specific portion of the Domino SNMP Agent configuration, complete the rest of the non-platform-specific configuration.

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