Setting up an Extended Directory Catalog
When you finish planning an Extended Directory Catalog, follow these steps to set it up:

Step 1: Verify that each Domino Directory has a defined domain

Each IBM® Lotus® Domino® Directory aggregated in a directory catalog should have a domain defined in its Directory Profile. The Dircat task uses the domain name to distinguish between groups with the same name in more than one Domino Directory.

Do the following for each Domino Directory you will aggregate into the directory catalog:

1. Open the Domino Directory.

2. Choose Actions - Edit Directory Profile.

3. Make sure the field "Domain defined by this Domino Directory" contains a valid domain name. This field is usually filled in automatically.

4. Click Save & Close.

Step 2: Create the Extended Directory Catalog database:

Note If you will integrate an Extended Directory Catalog into a primary Domino Directory, skip this step.

1. Choose File - Application - New.

2. Next to Server, select the Dircat server you picked to aggregate the directory catalog.

3. Next to Title, enter a title for the directory catalog, for example Extended Directory Catalog.

4. Next to Filename, enter a file name for the directory catalog, for example EDC.NSF. Do not use the file name NAMES.NSF.

5. Select "Show advanced templates."

6. Below Template server, select a server that stores the Domino Directory template.

7. Select the Domino Directory template (PUBNAMES.NTF).

8. Keep "Inherit future design changes" selected.

9. Click OK.

Note After you create the EDC, you must make sure you have both manager access and all roles access in the database ACL. Otherwise, you will not be able to create the EDC configuration document.

Step 3: Create the Extended Directory Catalog configuration document and run the Dircat task:

1. Open the database you created in Step 2.

2. Choose Create - Extended Directory Catalog and complete the following fields in the document. Read the complete descriptions of the fields before you run the Dircat task to build the directory catalog.
Fields in Basics tabDescription
Directories to includeSpecifies which Domino Directories the Dircat task aggregates, and the order in which it processes the directories.
Additional fields to includeSpecifies which fields from Domino Directories to aggregate. Aggregating all fields is recommended. To aggregate all fields, leave the "Additional fields to include" field blank by deleting all fields from it.
Remove duplicate usersSpecifies whether to aggregate multiple user entries with the same name to remove duplicates.
Group typesSpecifies which types of groups to aggregate.
Include Mail-in DatabasesSpecifies whether to aggregate Mail-In Database documents. Default is Yes.
Include ServersSpecifies whether to aggregate Server documents. Default is No.
Restrict aggregation to server(Recommended) Specifies the one Dircat server that can aggregate this directory catalog.
Send Aggregation reports to: (Optional) Specifies the names of people to receive Directory Catalog status reports. For more information, see the topic "Monitoring directory catalogs."
3. Click Save & Close to save the document.

4. Run the Dircat task to build the directory catalog.

Note If you integrate the Extended Directory Catalog into a primary Domino Directory, steps 4 and 5 are unnecessary.

Step 4: Create at least one replica of the Extended Directory Catalog

Create at least one replica of the directory catalog on another server for performance and failover benefits. Make sure replication occurs between the server(s) with the replica(s) and the Dircat server, so the replicas of the directory catalog are kept up-to-date.

Step 5: Set up servers to use the Extended Directory Catalog

To set up a server to use an Extended Directory Catalog, create a Directory Assistance document for the Extended Directory Catalog in a directory assistance database the server uses.

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