Customizing the Notes install manifest for new or third-party Eclipse features
If you have created or otherwise obtained a custom or third-party Eclipse™ feature to add to the IBM® Lotus® Notes® installation, you must create a feature (installfeature) in the Notes install manifest (INSTALL.XML) using the same convention as the other features (installfeature) in the manifest.

You must also properly add the feature to the install kit. Be sure that the new or third-party feature is signed before attempting to add it to the Notes install kit. All features must be properly signed in order to be installed. For information about signing, see "Signing custom or third-party features and plug-ins for install and update."

The Notes install manifest Document Type Definition (DTD) differs from the standard Eclipse or IBM® Lotus® Expeditor install or provisioning manifest DTD. For example, the Notes install manifest contains at least four unique attributes that the Expeditor manifest does not; namely "required," "default," "show," and "description."

Note The Notes install manifest uses a unique DTD that adheres to Eclipse conventions but is somewhat nonstandard. The Expeditor install manifest adheres to the DTD conventions described in "Provisioning manifest DTD" in IBM® Lotus® Expeditor help at the Lotus Expeditor information center or in the Lotus Expeditor wiki.

installfeature element

The attributes that determine if the "installfeature" name appears on the Notes feature installation panel are "default," "required," and "show."

The required attributes for each "installfeature" element are described below:

feature element

The required attributes for each "feature" element are described below:

Sample feature of custom or third-party features

A sample custom feature is shown below.

<installfeature default="false" id="ISVExample1" name="YourToolA" required="false"
show="true" version "">


<feature download-size="72457"
id="" match=
size="227855" url="${installer.root}/"

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