Generating a mail usage report
If mail tracking is enabled on a server, the Mail Tracking Store database (MTSTORE.NSF) contains data about mail usage. You can generate a usage report of the data.

1. Make sure that you set up mail monitoring.

2. From the IBM® Lotus® Domino® Administrator, click the Messaging - Mail tab.

3. Expand the Reports for Servername view and open the Report Results or Scheduled Reports folder.

4. Select a report view; for example, select By Type in the Report Results folder or Daily in the Scheduled Reports folder.

5. Click New Report.

6. Complete these fields, and then click OK:
DescriptionRequired text to identify the report.
Report TypeSpecifies the type of report to create. Choose one:
  • Top 25 Users by Count
  • Top 25 Users by Size
  • Top 25 Senders by Count
  • Top 25 Senders by Size
  • Top 25 Receivers by Count
  • Top 25 Receivers by Size
  • Top 25 Most Popular "Next Hops"
  • Top 25 Most Popular "Previous Hops"
  • Top 25 Largest Messages
  • Message Volume Summary
  • Message Status Summary
Time RangeChoose one:
  • Today
  • Yesterday
  • Over the last week (default)
  • Over the last two weeks
  • Over the last month
  • All available information
Note Each choice refers to the specified time period up to the current day. For example, if you choose "Yesterday," the report includes information from yesterday and today.
Run this reportSpecifies the execution interval for the report. Choose one:
  • Once - Generates a report immediately (default)
  • Daily - Generates a report at midnight every day
  • Weekly - Generates a report at midnight on Saturdays
  • Monthly - Generates a report on midnight on the first day of every month
Report should beSpecifies where the server places report results. Choose one:
  • Saved (default)
  • Mailed
  • Saved & Mailed
Mail RecipientIf you chose Mailed or Saved & Mailed in the "Report should be" field, enter the user name of the person who should receive the report or select the user name from the Domino Directory. The default is the name of the administrator running the report.

7. (Optional) To narrow the scope of a report, complete any of these fields:
Sender's NameA text string for the sender's name, and then choose whether the name should contain the text string or exactly match the text string.
Recipient's NameA text string for the recipient's name, and then choose whether the string should contain the string or exactly match the string.
Delivery StatusChoose one:
  • Is - Delivered (all messages that were delivered)
  • Other than - Delivered (all messages that encountered delivery failures or are still being processed)
  • Is - Not Delivered (all messages that encountered delivery failures)
  • Other than - Not Delivered (all messages that were either delivered or are still being processed)
  • Is - Being Processed (all messages that are still being processed)
  • Other than - Being Processed (all messages that were delivered or encountered delivery failures)
Note The delivery status corresponds to the message tracking delivery status. "Delivered" refers to messages that were delivered, transferred, or "group expanded" (that is, the message was addressed to a group, and the group was expanded to its member list on the server). "Not delivered" refers to messages that were not delivered, not transferred, or whose status is unknown.
Message SizeThe maximum or minimum message size (in bytes) to include in the report.
8. Reports are saved as IBM® Lotus® Notes® documents. Double-click the document to view it.

Editing a scheduled report

Edit a scheduled report to change its execution interval (for instance, daily to weekly) or the method of recording data (saved or mailed).

1. From the Domino Administrator, click the Messaging - Mail tab.

2. Expand the view Reports for Servername and open the Scheduled Reports folder.

3. Select the report view containing the scheduled report you want to edit; for example, Daily or Weekly.

4. Select the report to edit and click Edit Report.

5. Edit the report settings as needed and click OK.

Changing the default time for generating a scheduled report

IBM® Lotus® Domino® generates any scheduled report at the default time for that type of report. For example, daily reports run at midnight every day, and weekly reports at midnight every Saturday. If the default schedule conflicts with other operations on the server, you can reschedule the report agent to run when the server is less busy. Changes apply to all reports scheduled to run at that time; that is, if you change the default time for running weekly reports, the server runs all weekly reports at the new time.

The following procedure requires you to have IBM® Lotus® Domino® Designer installed on the administrative workstation.

To change when the server generates a scheduled report

1. From the Domino Administrator, click the Messaging - Mail tab.

2. Expand the Reports for Servername view and open the Scheduled Reports folder.

3. Select the report view containing the scheduled report you want to edit; for example, Daily or Weekly.

4. From the View menu, select Agents to launch Domino Designer. If Designer does not open automatically, launch the program manually and then open the Reports database (REPORTS.NSF) from the server.

5. Double-click the report agent you want to reschedule.

6. Click Schedule.

7. Specify the time to generate the report.

8. Click OK.

Enabling and disabling a scheduled report

By default, Domino enables a scheduled report immediately after you create it, so that the server runs the report at the next execution interval -- for example, a new daily report runs at midnight following the day you create it. You can disable any scheduled report and enable scheduled reports that are currently disabled.

If you created a scheduled report to diagnose a particular problem, you can disable the report to prevent it from executing after obtaining the information you need. Disabling a scheduled report conserves server resources, but lets you retain the report settings for future use. You can disable a report temporarily, or remove it from the server altogether.

1. From the Domino Administrator, click the Messaging - Mail tab.

2. Expand the Reports for Servername view and open the Scheduled Reports folder.

3. Select the report view containing the scheduled report to disable; for example, Daily or Weekly.

4. Select the scheduled report and do one of the following:

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