NOTES.INI variables set by the DB2 Server Enablement Tool
The DB2 Server Enablement Tool uses the data you entered to set the NOTES.INI values shown below. The NOTES.INI settings are added to the NOTES.INI file the first time the server restarts after the DB2 Server Enablement Tool is run and the Server document is updated. To modify these settings, you must use the IBM® DB2 Universal Database™ Enterprise Server Edition tab in the Server document.

You can open the NOTES.INI file to view the settings established when you enabled an IBM® Lotus® Domino® server to communicate with a DB2 server.
NOTES.INI settingDescription
DB_CREATION_DEFAULT_TYPEDisplays the format used to create and store Domino data. The default value is DB2. The default type you specify, DB2 or NSF, displays here.
DB2DIRECTORY(Optional) If specified, stores the name of one or more directories in which tablespaces for Domino databases are stored. If this field is blank, DB2 enabled IBM® Lotus® Notes® databases use the default DB2 data directory.

Note If multiple Domino servers are connected to different instances of the same DB2 server, the DB2 Directory that you specify must be unique for each Domino server, or the DB2Directory name must be blank. This is an advanced setting and in most cases, the default can be used.

DB2INSTANCEStores the DB2 instance name or DB2 node name you specify for the Domino environment.
DB2DATABASE(Optional) If this field is blank, the default name, DOMINO, is used. Stores the name of the DB2 database that you specify.
DB2INITDisplays one of these value:
  • Create -- Designates that the new DB2 database, tables, table spaces, and other DB2 objects should be created when Domino starts.
  • OK -- After the DB2 objects are created, this setting is set to OK. For example, if you successfully create a new DB2 enabled Notes database, this variable displays OK.
DB2UDFSERVERStores the name of the DB2 Access server that you installed with DB2. This server name is used for DB2 Access Views.
DB2UDFPATHStores the full path for the location of the DB2 Access server. The DB2 database uses this path to access the DB2 Access server DLL.
DB2DBCODEPAGEIndicates the code page to use when creating the DB2 database. This setting is ignored after the DB2 database is created. Do not change the default, UTF-8.
DB2_DBS_PER_SCHEMAThe maximum number of DB2 enabled Notes databases that can be stored in one DB2 group.
DB2LOCALEThis NOTES.INI variable is added by the DB2 server enablement tool if you do not use the default setting.
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