Setting advanced inbound MIME options
Set advanced inbound MIME options to control how servers process certain address headers and how servers decipher messages using undefined or incorrectly defined character sets.

1. From the IBM® Lotus® Domino® Administrator, click the Configuration tab and expand the Messaging section.

2. Click Configurations.

3. Select the Configuration Settings document for the mail server or servers you want to administer, and click Edit Configuration.

4. Click the MIME - Advanced - Advanced Inbound Message Options tab.

5. Complete the following fields, and then click Save & Close:
Resent headers take precedence over original headersSpecifies whether Domino uses resent- headers on inbound messages. When forwarding a message, some mail programs add header lines that describe the forwarding sender. These headers begin with the resent- prefix, such as "Resent-From:" The received message contains both the resent- headers and headers describing the original sender, for example:

From: original-sender

Resent-From: forwarding-sender

When generating a reply to a forwarded message, some older mail programs address the reply to address specified in the resent-from header. However, most modern mail programs consider resent- headers to be for informational purposes only and do not normally use them to generate replies. Instead, when forwarding a message, a MIME-compliant mail program creates a new message and encapsulates the original message within this message as a MIME body part of content type message.

Choose one:

  • Enabled - When receiving a forwarded message over SMTP, Domino places the value of the Resent-From header in the From header. Select this option only if a large number of users in your organization find that when replying to Internet messages that use resent- headers, their replies are incorrectly addressed to the original sender, rather than the forwarding sender.
  • Disabled - (default) Domino ignores resent- headers in inbound messages.
Remove group names from headersSpecifies whether Domino preserves the names of Internet distribution lists in the message headers of inbound messages. RFC 822 specifies use of a group construct to allow Internet address headers to include distribution lists. Groups are designated using either of the following formats:
  • Groupname:;
  • groupname:,,;
Note This option does not control the use of Notes/Domino group names in recipient lists.

Choose one:

  • Yes - Domino strips RFC 822 group names from address headers on incoming SMTP messages.
  • No - (default) Domino preserves RFC 822 group names in the address headers of incoming SMTP messages.
If each recipient's address does not appear in any address header, then add their address to the BCC listChoose one:
  • Yes - Enables Domino to resolve differences between addresses in the SMTP RCPT TO commands and the RFC 822 message header. If an address is referenced in the SMTP RCPT TO command, but not in the message header, Domino creates a new copy of the message and places the address in the BCC: field of the new message.
  • No - (default) Domino ignores differences between the recipients listed in the RCPT TO command and the message header.
For non-MIME messages or MIME messages with an unknown character set, 8-bit character set is assumed to beSpecifies the default character set that Domino uses to render messages with 8-bit characters if the message does not contain character set information, and automatic character set detection is disabled (on the MIME - Conversion Options - Inbound tab).
Character set name aliasesEnter the substitute name for the equivalent character set to allow MIME to be converted to native MIME. An alias allows a character set name tag in an inbound message to be treated as though it were a different character set.

For example, mapping "ISO-8859-1" to "KOI8-R" would be useful in an environment where incoming messages are frequently labeled as ISO-8859-1 (Western) when the data is really KOI8-R (Cyrillic).

6. The change takes effect after the next Router configuration update. To put the new setting into effect immediately, reload the routing configuration.

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