Rules for customizing the Domino Directory
To avoid rendering IBM® Lotus® Domino® inoperable, follow these rules when you customize the Domino Directory.

For more information on designing views, fields, and forms, see IBM® Lotus® Domino® Designer Help.

Default hidden views

Do not change the hidden views that come with the Domino Directory. Do not change view names, selection formulas, column formulas, or column positions of these hidden views. Do not insert or delete columns in the hidden views. A view name enclosed in parentheses ( ) indicates a hidden view.

Default visible views

You can change any visible view that comes with the Domino Directory. However, when you upgrade to a new version of the default Domino Directory template, you must recreate or reapply your customizations.

New views

You can add new hidden views and new visible views. However, new views might have an impact on the performance of both the Domino Directory and the server.

Default fields

Do not change formulas, data types, multi-value settings, and keyword choices for default directory fields. You can change the format of the fields, including changing font, size, and color. You can relocate fields, as long as fields that, by default, have a constraint -- for example, a field that contains a formula that depends on a value in the field above it -- maintain their relative placement. If you reformat or relocate default directory fields, you must re-create your customizations when you upgrade to a new version of the default Domino Directory template.

New fields

To add fields to a default form that comes with the Domino Directory, create a subform that contains the new fields. If the default form has a corresponding $xxxExtensibleSchema subform, insert the subform you create into the $xxxExtensibleSchema subform. For example, to add fields to the Person form, insert a new subform into the $PersonExtensibleSchema subform. If you use an $xxxExtensibleSchema subform and you later upgrade to a new version of the default Domino Directory template, Domino preserves your customizations automatically.

If a default form to which you want to add fields does not have a corresponding $xxxExtensibleSchema subform, insert the subform you create directly into the form. In this case, you must insert the subform into the form again after you upgrade to a new version of the default Domino Directory template. When you insert a new subform directly into a default form, choose the Design property "Prohibit design refresh or replace to modify."

You can also use an $xxxExtensibleSchema subform as part of defining a new LDAP auxiliary object class in the LDAP schema.

Default forms

Do not change the names of the forms that come with the Domino Directory. You can add aliases, which are duplicate names. An alias appears in the Form Properties box to the right of the form name and is preceded by a vertical bar. It's best to add a new alias rather than edit an existing one. By doing so, programs that use the existing alias continue to work properly. If you add or edit an alias, when you upgrade to a new version of the default Domino Directory template, you must re-create your customizations.

To hide a section of an existing form, select the section in the form, choose Text - Text Properties, click the Hide tab (the fifth tab from the left) and select appropriate hide options. If you later upgrade your company's Domino Directory with a new version of the default Domino Directory template, you must repeat this step. If you hide a section of an existing form, select the form, choose Design - Design Properties, click the Design tab, and make sure "Prohibit design refresh or replace to modify" is selected.

New forms

You can create new forms. If you want documents created from the forms to be LDAP-accessible, you must follow a specific procedure to create the forms.

Database icon

You can change the icon.

New LDAP schema elements

To add schema elements to the Domino LDAP schema, you can create forms and subforms in the Domino Directory. However, the recommended way to extend the schema is to use the Domino LDAP Schema database (SCHEMA.NSF). The Schema database provides an easy-to-use interface for extending the schema, has built-in error-checking that ensures valid schema elements, simplifies the creation of complex object class structures, and offers other advantages as well.

The only reason to use the Domino Directory to extend the schema is if Notes or Web users require access to entries associated with the new schema elements through documents in the directory. If only LDAP access to entries created from the new schema elements is required, use the Domino LDAP Schema database to extend the schema.

To extend the LDAP schema using the Domino Directory, you can add a new LDAP structural object class by creating a form and related subforms, create a new LDAP auxiliary object class by creating a subform, and define LDAP attributes for a new object class by creating fields.

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