Example of using one server for all Internet messages
Sending all inbound and outbound Internet mail through a single server

In this example, a single IBM® Lotus® Domino® server, Mail2, handles messages from the Acme organization destined for other Internet domains (external addresses) and receives all mail addressed to the Acme Internet domain ( Mail2 has the field "SMTP used when sending messages outside of the local Internet domain" enabled on the Router/SMTP-Basics tab of the Configuration Settings document that applies to the server, and has the SMTP listener task enabled on the Basics tab of its Server document.

If a user on either of the two Acme internal mail servers, Mail1 or Mail3, sends a message to an external address -- one with a domain other than -- the server routes the message to Mail2, which can route mail to external domains. Any mail from an external Internet domain -- one other than -- is routed to Mail2, which is listed in the DNS as the Mail Exchanger (MX) host for After the mail reaches Mail2, the server routes it to its destination.

The two internal mail servers, Mail1 and Mail3, can route Internet mail to the server with SMTP enabled for external mail (Mail2) either via IBM® Lotus® Notes® routing, with a Foreign SMTP Domain document and SMTP Connection document linking to Mail2, or via SMTP routing, with Mail2 configured as the relay host.

Configuring these servers requires:

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