Database analysis
You can perform a database analysis to collect information about one or more databases from a variety of sources -- the replication history, the User Activity dialog box, and the log file (LOG.NSF) -- and view it in a single "results" database. You can perform a database analysis only if you have access to the IBM® Lotus® Domino® Administrator.

Use database analysis to collect the following information about a database:

You can collect this information from multiple replicas of a database.

The results database

When you perform a database analysis, you create a database that holds the results, which are stored in analysis documents. After you create a results database, each time you perform a database analysis, you can choose to overwrite its contents or append new results to its contents. The results database is created from the Database Analysis (DBA4.NTF) template.

Analysis documents

Each analysis document in the results database contains fields that describe a particular event.
DateDate of the event
TimeTime of event
Source of Event InformationThe analyzed database or its replicas or the log file (LOG.NSF)
Source DatabaseName of a database containing documents that were read

For database replication events, name of database from which information was pulled

SourceName of server that stores a database containing documents that were read or written

For database replication events, name of server that stores the database from which information was pulled

DestinationName of a database on which documents were updated

For database replication, name of the database to which information was replicated

Destination machineName of a server that stores a database that was updated

For database replication, name of a server that stores a database to which information is replicated

DescriptionDescription of the event

Analysis documents describe these types of events:
EventDescribesRequired database analysis option
ActivityNumber of user or server reads and writes generated by the Statlog task when monitoring database activityUser reads

User writes

+ActivityNumber of user reads and writes as noted in the database and in the log fileLog file activity

User reads or User writes

Mail RouterNumber of documents delivered to the databaseUser writes
Data NoteDocument creations, edits, and deletionsChanges to documents
Design NoteChanges to the database ACL and designChanges to design
ReplicatorReplication historyReplication history
+ReplicatorNumber of replication additions, updates, and deletions, as reported in the log file (LOG.NSF)Log file activity
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