Scheduling times for replication
Whenever possible, schedule replication for times when there is less activity on the network -- before or after work or at lunch time.

You can schedule server-to-server replication to happen at specific times, or you can specify a time range with a repeat interval. By scheduling replication for a time range, you ensure that the servers exchange information several times a day. After the server makes a successful connection, it waits the amount of time specified in the "Repeat interval of" field on the Connection document before calling the other server again.

For example, suppose a Connection document schedules Hub-E/East/Acme to call HR-E/East/Acme from 8 AM until 5 PM with a repeat interval of 120 minutes. If Hub-E/East/Acme calls and replicates successfully with HR-E/East/Acme at 8:30 AM, Hub-E/East/Acme does not place the next call until 10:30 AM.

Be sure to consider time zones when you schedule replication between servers in different countries. You want to replicate the documents created during each time zone's peak business hours and schedule replication for an off-peak time. For example, to schedule replication between a server in New York and a server in Germany, schedule replication between 3 AM and 1 PM Eastern Standard Time (EST) to correspond to Germany's business hours, which are six hours later than EST.

The default replication time setting is 8 AM to 10 PM, with a repeat interval of 360 minutes.

Scheduling replication for one specific time

Use a specific time when you schedule replication of low priority databases, when daily updates of databases are sufficient, or when you're certain that attempts by the server to connect are successful after just a few retries -- for example, on different networks at the same site. You might want to replicate low-priority databases at night when the rates are less expensive or there is less load on the system.

1. From the IBM® Lotus® Domino® Administrator, click the Configuration tab.

2. Select the connecting server's Domino Directory in the "Use Directory on" field.

3. Click Server, and then click Connections.

4. Click the connection you want to work with, and then click Edit Connection.

5. Click the Schedule tab.

6. In the "Connect at times" field, enter a specific time -- for example, 8 AM.

7. In the "Repeat interval of" field, enter 0.

8. Click Save and Close.

The server calls and attempts to connect at the exact time you specified. If unsuccessful, the server tries to connect for an hour. Whether or not the connection succeeds, the next call does not occur until 8 AM the next morning.

Scheduling replication for a list of times

Use a list of times to schedule replication for medium and low priority databases and for when a few daily updates of databases are sufficient or when you're certain that connection attempts will be successful after just a few retries -- for example, for a connection on different networks at the same site.

1. From the Domino Administrator, click the Configuration tab.

2. Select the connecting server's Domino Directory in the "Use Directory on" field.

3. Click Server, and then click Connections.

4. Click the connection you want to work with, and then click Edit Connection.

5. Click the Schedule tab.

6. In the "Connect at times" field, enter a list of specific times -- for example, 8 AM, 1 PM, 4 PM.

7. In the "Repeat interval of" field, enter 0.

8. Click Save and Close.

The server calls at the first time specified, 8 AM. If unsuccessful, the server retries for up to an hour, until 9 AM. Whether or not the call succeeds, the next call occurs at the next scheduled time, 1 PM. If unsuccessful, the server retries for up to an hour, until 2 PM. This process continues for each specific time you specify.

Scheduling replication for a time range with a repeat interval

Specify a time range when you schedule replication for high priority databases.

1. From the IBM® Lotus® Domino® Administrator, click the Configuration tab.

2. Select the connecting server's Domino Directory in the "Use Directory on" field.

3. Click Server, and then click Connections.

4. Click the connection you want to work with, and then click Edit Connection.

5. Click the Schedule tab.

6. In the "Connect at times" field, enter a time range -- for example, 8 AM - 5 PM.

7. In the "Repeat interval of" field, enter how frequently replication should take place -- for example, 120 minutes.

8. Click Save and Close.

If the first call is unsuccessful, the server retries periodically until it successfully establishes a connection and replicates. If the server cannot connect, it keeps trying until the end of the time range. If the server successfully replicates, it calls again at the specified repeat interval after the previous call ended.

Scheduling replication for a time range without a repeat interval

Use a time range without a repeat interval for medium and low-priority databases. Also use a time range without a repeat interval when daily updates of a database are sufficient or when you know that a long retry period is necessary -- for example, if you have a slow connection and you know it will take several attempts to make the connection.

1. From the Domino Administrator, click the Configuration tab.

2. Select the connecting server's Domino Directory in the "Use Directory on" field.

3. Click Server, and then click Connections.

4. Click the connection you want to work with, and then click Edit Connection.

5. Click the Schedule tab.

6. In the "Connect at times" field, enter a time range -- for example, 8 AM - 5 PM.

7. In the "Repeat interval of" field, enter 0.

8. Click Save and Close.

The server attempts the first call at the start of the time range. If unsuccessful, the server tries again and again. The time between call attempts increases with each unsuccessful attempt. The server retries the call for the entire range or until a connection is made. After a failed call, the server retries periodically for the entire call range. However, it does not call again after a successful exchange of information.

Scheduling replication for different days of the week

You can create a different replication schedule for different days of the week.

1. From the Domino Administrator, click the Configuration tab.

2. Select the connecting server's Domino Directory in the "Use Directory on" field.

3. Click Server, and then click Connections.

4. Click the connection you want to work with, and then click Edit Connection.

5. Click the Schedule tab.

6. In the "Days of week" field, enter the days on which you want replication to occur.

7. Click Save and Close.

For example, you could create two Connection documents -- one that schedules replication for Monday to Friday, and another that schedules replication for Saturday and Sunday.

Staggering schedules

You can use staggered schedules on hub-and-spoke topology. For example, you could schedule the first server to replicate from 8 AM to 10 AM, the second server from 8:05 AM to 10:05 AM, and so on. You can create a simple round-robin schedule for a hub server and its spokes, repeating as often as is practical. This process spreads all data within a hub's sphere of influence quickly.

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