Notifying users when shared login is activated or deactivated
You can display a pop-up window to notify users after shared login is activated or deactivated on their IBM® Lotus® Notes® clients. The pop-up window can display a standard system message, or a system message along with your own custom message.

To configure shared login activation or deactivation notifications, perform the following steps:

1. Open the Security Settings document used for the shared login configuration in edit mode, and click the Password Management - Notes Shared Login tab.

2. In the Activation Notification section, select one of the following options to control how to notify users when shared login is in effect on their clients:
BehaviorOption to select
Displays the system message in a pop-up window.System dialog
Displays the system message in the Notes status bar, startup window, and log.nsf only.No notification (default)
Displays the system message in a pop-up window and the text "Additional information from your administrator" followed by a custom message of up to 256 characters. If the custom text includes a Web address, users can copy the address to their browsers.Custom message text
Note The system message is "Notes shared login with the operating system is now enabled. You will not be prompted to enter a password the next time you launch Notes on this machine." All three options display this text in the Notes status bar, Notes startup window, and log.nsf.

3. In the Deactivation Notification section, select one of the following options to control how to notify users when they have disabled shared login on their clients:
BehaviorOption to select
Displays the system message in a pop-up window System dialog
Displays the system message in the status bar, startup window, and log file only.No notification (default)
Displays the system message in a pop-up window and the text "Additional information from your administrator" followed by a custom message of up to 256 characters. If the custom text includes a Web address, users can copy the address to their browsers.Custom message text
Note The system message is "Notes shared login with the operating system is now disabled. The next time you start Notes, you will be prompted for your password." All three options display this text in the Notes status bar, Notes startup window, and log.nsf.

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