Server-based certification authority -- Troubleshooting
These topics describe common problems with the server-based certification authority and the CA process. You can also search for solutions to common problems on the Lotus Support Services Web site.

Problems when you create or modify a certifier

If you have problems creating or modifying a server-based CA -- for example, the CA process doesn't load when you issue the command Tell Load CA or returns an error -- check the following:

CA process takes a long time to make changes to a certifier

When you create a new certifier, make changes to an existing one, or revoke a certificate, the changes usually take place by the time the CA process refreshes itself. Sometimes the process takes longer, because:

To see the results of any CA process operation immediately, at the server console type:
to see if the changes have been processed. You may need to repeat the process more than once.

For more information about configuring and using a server-based CA, see the topic The Domino server-based certification authority.

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