Compact options
The following tables describe the options you can use with the Compact server task. The first column lists the options as they appear when you run Compact using the Task - Start tool or the Files tab in the IBM® Lotus® Domino® Administrator. The second column lists the equivalent command-line options that you use when you run Compact using a console command or using a Program document.

Compact - Basics
OptionCommand-line equivalentDescription
Compact only this database or folder

(To specify databases to compact using the Files tab, select the databases in the files pane.)

database path

Specify any additional options after the database path.

To compact a database in the Domino data folder, enter the file name, for example SALES.NSF. To compact databases in a folder within the data folder, specify the database path relative to the data folder. For example, to compact all databases in the folder DATA\SALES, specify SALES.

If you select "Compact all databases" (or do not specify a database path at the command line), Compact compacts all databases in the data folder and in folders within the data folder.

Compact - Options
OptionCommand-line equivalentDescription
Compact database only if unused space is greater than x percent-S percentCompacts all databases with a specified percent of unused space. For example, if you specify 10, databases with 10% or more recorded unused space are compacted. Note that the unused space calculation is not always a reliable measure of unused space.
Discard any built view indexes-DDiscards built view indexes. Use this option to compact databases that are not in active use, for example, just before you store databases on tape. Additional system time and resources should be planned to rebuild indexes after restore of the databases. Does copy-style compacting.
Keep or revert database to previous format-RCompacts databases without converting to the current release file format of the server that stores the databases or reverts databases in the current release file format to the previous release file format. For example, on Domino 6 and more recent servers, this option compacts Domino 5 databases without converting them to the Domino 6 file format and converts Domino 6 databases to the Domino 5 file format. This option uses copy-style compacting.

Compact - Style
OptionCommand-line equivalentDescription
In-place (recommended)-bUses in-place compacting and recovers unused space without reducing the file size, unless there's a pending structural change to a database, in which case copy-style compacting occurs. This is the recommended method of compacting.
In-place with file size reduction-BUses in-place compacting, recovers unused space and reduces file size, unless there's a pending structural change in which case copy-style compacting occurs. If you use transaction logging, do full database backups after compacting completes.
Copy-style-cUses copy-style compacting. Use this option, for example, to solve database corruption problems, or in combination with compression options to act upon existing documents as well as documents yet to be created.
Copy-style: Allow access while compacting-LEnables users to continue to access databases during compacting. If a user edits a database during compacting, compacting is canceled. This is useful only when copy-style compacting is done.
Copy-style: Ignore errors and proceed-iEnables compacting to continue even if it encounters errors such as document corruption. Only used for copy-style compacting.

Compact - Advanced

The advanced compact options are not available through the Compact tool in the Files tab of the IBM® Lotus® Domino® Administrator.
Option*Command-line equivalentDescription
Document table bitmap optimization: Off-fDisables "Document table bitmap optimization" database property. Does copy-style compacting.
Document table bitmap optimization: On-FEnables "Document table bitmap optimization" database property. Does copy-style compacting.
Don't support specialized response hierarchy: Off-hDisables "Don't support specialized response hierarchy" database property; in other words, support specialized response hierarchy. Does copy-style compacting.
Don't support specialized response hierarchy: On-HEnables "Don't support specialized response hierarchy" database property; in other words, do not support specialized response hierarchy. Does copy-style compacting.
Enable transaction logging: Off-tDisables transaction logging.
Enable transaction logging: On-TEnables transaction logging. Use Compact - T when a database is open or closed. If you use Compact - T on a database that is closed, logging is enabled but the Compact is not logged until the database is opened; therefore, logging is not available until you reopen the database.
Don't maintain unread marks: Off-uDisables "Don't maintain unread marks" database property; in other words, maintain unread marks.
Don't maintain unread marks: On-UEnables "Don't maintain unread marks" database property; in other words, do not maintain unread marks.
Database design compression: On-nEnables "Compress database design" database property, setting all new design elements to be compressed.
Database design compression: Off-NDisables "Compress database design" database property, preventing new design elements from being compressed.
Document data compression: On-vEnables ""Compress document data" database property, setting all non-summary data in new documents to be compressed.
Document data compression: Off-VDisables "Compress document data" database property, preventing compression of document non-summary data in new documents.
LZ1 attachment compression On-ZUUpgrades attachments to LZ1 compression from Huffman compression. Recommended only in environments using Domino 6 and later.
* Select "Set advanced properties" before you enable or disable any of these properties.

Tip To compress or decompress existing design elements or non-summary document data, combine either the -n, -N, -v, or -V switch with the copy-style switch (-c). For example, to compress existing non-summary data in a database at the same time as enabling the property to compress new document data, use this combination:

-v -c

Compact - Archive

When you use the document archiving tool to archive and delete documents in a database, you can use the following Compact options to archive documents if the database is located on a server and you've chosen the basic archiving option "Domino server based."

For more information on the server archiving option, if you have installed IBM® Lotus® Notes®, see the Help topic Specifying the computers where archiving runs and where the archive is stored.
Option*Command-line equivalentDescription
Archive only-AArchives and deletes documents from a database without compacting the database.
Archive and then compact-aArchives and deletes documents from a database and then compacts the database.
Delete and then archive-jDeletes documents from a database and then compacts the database.
*The Compact tool in the Files tab of the Domino Administrator provides only the option "Archive database;" this option archives and then compacts.

Compact - DAOS

In addition to enabling the Domino Attachment and Object Service (DAOS) property to consolidate new attachments in a database, you can use the following Compact option to move attachments in existing documents into the DAOS repository while performing a copy-style compact. This option is not available for in-place compaction.
OptionCommand-line equivalentDescription
Use Domino Attachment and Object Service-c -daos on|offWhen set as on, moves attachments from existing documents to the DAOS repository and then compacts the database.
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